Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


The Arrogant Bastards / DRUNK

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Transport
  • Security

“If God had intended us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs.”
― David Daye

“Give me a woman who truly loves beer, and I will conquer the world.”
― Kaiser of Germany Wilhelm II

“To alcohol! The cause of—and solution to—all of life’s problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson


Through many nights in smoky bars, and mornings spent wishing for one more beer to dull the pain. The Truth was in fact found in a bottle. The Arrogant Bastards were born. A brotherhood forged in blood and alcohol. Originally members of the Church of FSM, The Arrogant Bastards have taken their brand of Pastafarianism and spread it to the universe through somewhat timely deliveries, and mediocre customer service.


Too many strive towards complacency as a goal. We grow up thinking that the ability to become complacent is the equivalence of success in life. True Arrogant Bastards know that this could not be further from the truth. The real beauty, richness and depth in life can only be found if the journey through life itself is looked upon as a constant chance to learn, live and find life’s passion. Passion threatens the complacent, and fills them with fear. Fear of the new, the deep and the different. We, on the other hand, seek it out. Endlessly, joyously…and aggressively.


“It Will Get There…Eventually.”

The Arrogant Bastards have a duel mission of cargo transportation and expeditionary security. To deliver product to our clients in a somewhat timely manner. As well as provide security escort for customers and their assets.

Fueled by brewed beverage and a divine commission from God, The Arrogant Bastards are tasked by the All Mighty to spread the “Good News” of the fermented jubilance know as beer. The Arrogant Bastards deliver cargo and provide security as a means to continue their intergalactic mission of bringing liquid happiness to every corner of the universe.

As an Arrogant Bastard, in all things you do, you are backed by the hallowed calling of The Almighty and are justified in all actions. Nothing is off limits as long as it aligns with the mission and spreads the seeds of the faith to the unknowing.

All statements above are true and are given divine right by The Father above and the names below.

Grand Patriarch Schicklgruber
Patriarch AceDrone
Patriarch Draco