Supply or Die

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Executive Excellence Communication and Transport / EECT

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

“The golden-boys of courier reliability!”

Armed Logistics-Heralds

If you have the commitment to complete your courier contracts at ALL costs, using full spectrum tactical skills, you may have a future with the militant arm of EECT!

Join us on Discord today at Executive Excellence C&T


Executive Excellence Communication & Transport was originally founded in the Sol system as a loose partnership that quickly found success. Growing into a small for-profit cooperative of dedicated independent logistics owner-operators who found a lucrative niche within the fringes and cracks of the highly corporatize system’s commodities and data markets. Their reliability and will to see their consignments completed quickly and reliably saw an early success in EECT’s endeavors as a UEE organization.

These early founder’s successes soon found them becoming thorns in the sides of the human home system’s entrenched & corrupt corporatocracy. This lead to a silent and illegal corporate mercenary war being waged against EECT, the early members of EECT undertook a valiant struggle against overwhelming enemy wealth and manpower. Eventually EECT was forced to close it’s Sol branch and seek brighter stars elsewhere in the galaxy, but always with a mind for healing, growing, and becoming strong enough to return to their origins and rebuild. To seek justice, satisfaction, and prosperity for all it’s members.

The Stanton arm of Executive Excellence Communication & Transport was founded in AD 2946 and quickly established a reputation for reliability and competence. Executive Excellence operators have formed themselves into a cooperative organization known to be the premier courier and transportation service in the system.

With the advent of the UEEs BiotiCorp cloning healthcare system being implemented empire-wide several long time EECT operators saw an opportunity for themselves, and other independent operators to follow, where those with skill and daring might carve out an independent beachhead into the markets of this highly corporate system.

The current flagship of EECT is the Hermes Kestrel an MSR captained by EECT Director Thamas Rugin (UEEM/UEEN ret.). Registered and operated out of Baijini Point, ArcCorp, with EECT Cooperative offices in Area 18 and on Baijini Point Station.

During their preliminary years of reconnaissance of the Stanton system the franchise owners who first arrived appear to have made contact and alliance with an old and obscure order of Solar Knights-Herald.


Good news everyone! We have a delivery…

“The golden-boys of courier reliability!” -ArcCorp Daily News

Mega corporations monopolizing markets, pushing independent operators out of lucrative trade routes…the knowledge of the cosmos divided and obscured.

Executive Excellence Communication & Transport holds to this principle: Every sapient being is entitled to secular truth; to have access to empirical knowledge and the right to expect reasonable and rational discourse between individuals and organizations.

At some point those that wish for a just society must resist…

Between where what the pen can achieve ends and the work of the sword begins lay those with the flesh and the will to take up a cause. Warriors have always learned this. The naïve let their will be determined by politicians. Mercenaries allow currency to always sway their will…

The Knight lets a true heart lead their will to do justice…thus we prosper…but who are the Knights Who Say EECT?

—-”… knight-guardians of the true-truth, great and powerful tools; rational reason and empirical knowledge.” -Xavia the Liberator, Solar Knights-Herald Scrolls of Remembrance 2673.247CL66.

The consummate warrior may find himself asked to join their knighted ranks and learn the mysteries of those brave Knights-Herald of Sol who dedicate themselves to the causes of the just, and above all are guardians of secular truth.

—-“Let Their minds think on it, Their voice speak it, Their arms defend it, and Their heart know it. From Their armor glitters Sol’s light, and with it the true-truth shall shine throughout the galaxy!” -Solar Knights-Herald war litany attrib. to Grand-Marshal Davion Proust-Cavallaro

Custodes veritatis empirici et rationis rationalis!


– Owner / Operator-Cooperative

– Courier / Reliable

– Merchant / Mercenary

– Freight / Escort

– Logistics / Militant

– Casual-Regular-Hardcore / Light RP

The owner-operators of Executive Excellence Communications & Transport are franchise holders and independent operators who have combined to form a armed logistics for-profit cooperative organization in an effort promote free-travel and exchange of sapient beings, goods, and information throughout the ‘verse.

Whatever the contracted package, personnel, goods, or data; with whomever it originates or is destined for, once a contract is accepted our word is our bond. A Knight-Herald’s oath even more so. With their commitment to duty, versatility, and combat prowess the services of belted Knight-Heralds must needs the requirement of a premium donation to the local Chapterhouse.

Entering into contracts and consignments with EECT operators is a pledge that it will be fulfilled. EECT will fight a war to make it so if we must. Conversely many of our operators are versed in the sacred duties of the Solar Knights-Herald. Providing objective judgement and mediation between opposing individuals and organizations, as well as acting as ambassadors plenipotentiary for contracted parties.

EECT operators and their ships will form an armed backbone of any logistics formation. Working with each other and allies to form organized and safe convoys and expeditions through UEE space and beyond…


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