Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Citizens of the Federation of the Fifth Dimension / FFDCITIZEN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Security

Fidelity, Integrity, Camaraderie, Excellence.

FFDCITIZEN is the Resource and Security Arm of the Federation of the Fifth Dimension: FFD

We are building a first class organization and are adding members to fill vital roles.

Apply at our Community Website.


Here is an essay, posted with permission, written by Albert Strongfellow, lead historian of the Intergalactic Historical Society on The Federation’s beginnings:

The odyssey of the Federation of the Fifth Dimension started long ago, in a time long forgotten by most. For the men and women who have been with Major Steel since that time, and for Major Steel himself, these days long ago seem like yesterday, and for good reason. Our story starts back when the vehicles of the day, on a distant planet named Earth, were powered with carbon based fuel, when nations were in a Global war named World War II, fighting each other with what would be considered crude weapons in current times. As often in history the research of the day was driven by reaching for technological advances for making war more efficient.

Major Steel started as an officer in the US Army’s Office if Strategic Services (OSS). He was assigned to cataloging and following all of the pre-eminent scientists of the day in order to procure their services for the war effort or eliminate those who were aiding the enemy. He gathered a lot of knowledge of the science of the day as well as identifying those who would be of benefit to make advances for future use. Once the War was over Major Steel took this knowledge and become a pre-eminent entrepreneur and politician. Besides his gains in building a successful business to fund his cutting edge research in fields only dreamed in the science fiction novels. The corporation also made contributions in space travel, medicine, resource extraction building a large corporate conglomerate. The corporation stressed the fairness in business to its customers and employees.

Major Steel also gathered top scientists, namely Eric von Skipslider, Walter Nuzenort, Henrick Elderbrock and Jim “notverygood” Markman and funded research to develop functional warp interface to bend time and space in order to be able to jump forward or backward in time to parallel universes exploiting the Fifth Dimension. This is very pertinent to this history in our current time. After 19+ years of work a successful prototype of the interface was developed and tested. Small jumps with smaller ships, first unmanned then manned were tested successfully. Soon after this, larger ships were built to carry the Major, his team of scientists and a cadre of employees to take a journey into the future to bring back knowledge to further help mankind. The details of the technology and planned journey were kept secret for obvious reasons. A date was set. The mission was given the go ahead.

The fateful day arrived and the mission began as they normally do, flawlessly. Once one was in the interface exploiting the Fifth Dimension, time throughout the future and past were as if they were the same time. They set the destination time for the 30th Century and started the jump. It became apparent that something was very wrong during the unfolding of the space time continuum that would place the travelers at their chosen time and destination. The main power plant was failing. Despite efforts to fix the ailing power plant and diverting all power to the interface, the amount of energy needed to complete the task could not be provided to make for a smooth re-entry. The ships began entering the future being placed under forces they were not designed to withstand. Many were torn apart and lost along with their crews. Several ships survived including the Major’s flag ship. Damage was assessed and it was apparent that those that survived were going to live out their days in the 30th Century. Many of the key components of the interface and 2 of the scientists were lost.

The Major and his cadre of faithful crew had faced adversity in the past and always found a way to overcome whatever obstacles placed in front of them. They gathered all of their resources, knowledge and items from the “past” that were in great demand and invaluable for those in the 30th Century. These were auctioned off to the highest bidder including to some of the largest Museums in the Galaxy. The money and prestige obtained was then used to gain a foothold in this future that would now be their home. This first operation was called “Operation Foothold”. The Federation of the Fifth Dimension, FFD, was born. Their motto is: Fidelity, Integrity, Camaraderie, Excellence. Holding these values in high regard has allowed these travelers to establish a thriving community here in their future. Stay tuned to this communication and continue to follow their journey forward or become a part of it yourself.”

We are building a first class organization. We are currently looking for highly select members for specific roles.

Get in on the ground level. Visit our Community Website


Fidelity, Integrity, Camradery, Excellence.

We maximize success in diplomacy and profit for our citizens and partners alike.

No Piracy Tolerated by members or others.

Organization under construction, get in on the ground level.

Looking for select members to fill crucial roles.

All facets of the game will be played and supported.

Organization Fleet with Ships crowd sourced like – The Orion.

Multiple Divisions to apply and be assigned to or lead depending on experience including:

  • Security: Operational Security, Bounty Hunting, Combat, Intelligence, Counter Intelligence.
  • Procurement: Exploration, Mining, Salvage,Transportation.
  • Marketing: Diplomacy, Trading/Trade Negotiations, Accounts Payable/Receivable.
  • Human Resources: Recruitment/Retention, Member Orientation and Development, Re-Assignments/Transfers.

Well run, long standing, stable leadership, no drama.

Teamspeak Server and Dedicated Backup Server.

Full website with messaging, forums, email, gallery, among other features.

Atmosphere to have fun gaming.

No mandatory dues.


Rules we live by:


No bigotry, sexist or racist comments in public channels. If occurs could result in automatic dismissal, no tolerance.

TeamSpeak 3 is mandatory (when you are online, in the game, you must be on TeamSpeak).

Be polite while in a common community voice TS channel.

Help other members of the Community (Play with different members and across organizations).

Advertising or recruiting for any other Entity is not allowed and will result in being immediately kicked and banned. If you post in any forum looking for another entity you will also be kicked and banned.

No unnecessary poking, filing complaints against, or reporting a Channel User in TeamSpeak.

No in-game trash-talk in an open community/pub(game) channel. We want people to see our organization in a good light. In private or TeamSpeak channels, fire away.

Everyone is required to join and use the Community Website. This is our main means of communication besides TeamSpeak.

Check the forums and your messages regularly.

Real life stuff comes up. Please let an officer know if you will be gone for more than a week.

Things change, activity changes, interests change, real life takes precedence. This is understood by us and is acceptable. If you decide to leave or change or add another game, for whatever reason, please do so on good terms: Let an officer know.

No activity or comments that would make the FFD look bad or unprofessional. There will be consequences.

We are welcome to suggestions and constructive criticism (and we like praise from time to time when we get it right). Please post these suggestions in the forums within in the appropriate area. We take these seriously and have grown based on many of these ideas.

If there are any disputes with members within your division then bring it to the Lead Officer of your Organization.

If there are any disputes, arguments or problems with our citizens our officers or between our FFD Organizations, bring it to our Chancellor, Nirjin.

If there are issues with other game members in TS the bring these issues to mack our Community Sergeant at Arms.

If there are any other issues that you are having difficulty with, whether it be in game, with another organization, with one our 5D Community members then pull any of the Officers or Leaders aside in TeamSpeak or message us on the website. We will check into it and help resolve the issue. There is a chain of command use it.

There is an appeals process set up to review members grievances, namely the Council. Use it if needed.

HAVE FUN!!!! Can’t stress this enough. This what we are all here to do in one way or another. We want to continue having a great place to accomplish this for all.