Supply or Die

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GirlGamers Community / GIRL

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Social

Sisterhood of the Stars

A Community of enthusiastic Women that share 1 passion, playing Star Citizen.
GirlGamers aims to connect all women in Star Citizen under one Banner


So who are we exactly?

We are GirlGamers, a social community for all women in Star Citizen.
As it is still very difficult to find fellow female Star Citizen players, GirlGamers aims to bring all of them under 1 banner.

So GirlGamers or GirlGamers-Community is a community of enthusiastic women that love gaming, and to be more precise, that love Star Citizen. Our goal is to create a positive change in the world of Star Citizen and in the Gaming Industry by bringing female gamers together and make them feel more welcome and open by chatting, hanging out, meeting up at Star Citizen events, gaming together, and maybe in the future hosting events ourself, and combine our voice. – Together we are Stronger than ever.
It started as 1 member trying to find a female gamers group on StarCitizen and lead to StarCitizen’s biggest female gamers community.

We’re proud to be gamers, and we’d love to show it to the world, and together in GirlGamers, we do. Our goal is not to be just One voice for all female gamers of Star Citizen but rather to connect every one of us, and make gaming a better place.

We know there are still many many more female gamers out there in Star Citizen, and we are here to support and connect them all. That is what we do. That is GirlGamers SC

So we aren’t an organization in Star Citizen, but we are a community, so we will have possible meet-up’s in the ‘Verse.
Our main members are here to represent the Community, work on it, game together, facilitate the meet-up’s, and like everyone else have fun by playing the game. We do plan to have a main GirlGamers fleet that we hope stays together (a couple ships to travel the stars and where we host the meet-up’s on).

So in short, we are an out of game commnity, without any ties inside the game apart from having meet-up’s and parties. Some members will play together though (no one can tell anyone who they play with).

Lets make Star Citizen better, simply by gaming, and being out there!


We also have a Twitter profile to create more visibility. (you can tag us if you like) GirlGamers Twitter

What do we do?

We chat, game, do DnD, stream together, and have fun.
As we are a Social Community and have no real bearing in the Star Citizen universe, the group doesn’t serve as a standard Guild, but as there was no other way to make an official group on Star Citizen other than making an organization, this is why we’re here.
With this we also hope exclusive orgs allow their female members to join us.

We use Discord as our main way of communicating, although we wil have activity on Spectrum as well.
Ask the board for a Discord link if you’re a member.
h3. The Game

  • Mar. 12 2016: 51 Members, Discord Group Updated, Reworking RSI Page and Website.
  • Sep. 22 2016: 50 Members and Discord Group made.
  • Sep. 05 2015: Organization made.




  • Female gamers only.
  • Respect eachother and don’t insult eachother.
  • Have fun.
  • Don’t hate others because they are different.
  • We’re lgbt friendly
  • No drama (and if there is the mods will deal with it).
  • Don’t mass recruit our members (this might lead to some drama).

Wanna join?

Contact one of our mods, (Asuna is the most online) and have a chat.
If you know a member personally, you can always get a free-pass to join through that member (just tell me the person’s name once you apply).
If you agree to the rules above, apply and you’ll be part of our Community :)

And if you don’t want your name public to others for any reason, just put your affiliation with the community as Hidden or Redacted.