Supply or Die

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  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Resources

Welcome to the Oasis Corporation

“Futurizing through commerce and prosperity.”

Apply today to take part in one of the most prominently established community of merchants, miners, explorers, and scientists!
Feel free to join our Discord server here.



Oasiscorp was founded in 2804 by Leo and Alicia Dao, a relatively young married couple who had just come into a significant inheritance by complete surprise.

Alicia was shocked to receive a communique from Sol system indicating that the last surviving member of a distant branch of her family had passed away. He had indicated in his will that the vast amounts of UEC he’d amassed through carefully investing his own trust fund be funneled to Alicia, who he’d never even met.

This was the break the couple had been waiting for.


Oasiscorp began with family in mind, as the founders lived and worked in a top of the line cargo ship, hauling valuable goods between safe systems. Leo’s shrewd business sense was the perfect complement to Alicia’s technological prowess. Their spacefaring family grew into a clan and they began to take on friends and extended family, expanding the corp’s reach rapidly.

By 2850 the company was well-established and had begun to delve into mining operations. Though considered a fledgling corp by many old money organizations, Oasis gained contacts and friends throughout the UEE. Now in his twilight years, Leo did his best to infuse his wit and wisdom into the corp’s DNA.


Prosperity continued into the 2870s, when Oasiscorp founded its first planet-bound headquarters on ArcCorp: Stanton III. The corp ran into turbulence almost immediately, when an ArcCorp executive developed a personal beef with Soli Dao, the founding family’s eldest son and new CEO. Rumor had it their disagreement was over an interest dispute, but this was never substantiated.

From then on, every move the corp made was bound in red tape and delays.

Nevertheless, business went well until a Vanduul clan attacked an Oasiscorp mining operation in the asteroid belt, killing everyone in the mobile base, including Soli’s granddaughter Luna, who had been working as foreman.

Soli met with his sons and daughters. Incensed and in deep remorse, they all desired to exact revenge on their people’s murderers, whatever the cost. By unanimous vote, the mostly familial Board of Directors agreed to sink their entire rainy-day fund into buying combat ships and hiring mercenaries and investigators. Their rationale was that they must appear strong to the Vanduul clan, or else suffer further attacks until they were beaten out of the system.


Through communications monitoring, a little bit of hacking, and some good old-fashioned shakedowns, Oasiscorp was able to track down the Vanduul’s illicit asteroid base and launch their avenging attack.

They overpowered the clan’s small fleet with minimal losses, bombarded the Vanduul base’s surface levels, and sent in a ground team to flush out its subterranean levels. Soli and his apprentice, nicknamed Captn, themselves marched with the ragtag militia.

Though there was no way of knowing which of the Vanduul had been personally responsible for killing their employees and Luna, they eliminated all they came across, without mercy. Rumors have persisted in the corp to this day that Captn himself claimed over forty Vanduul lives.

In salvaging the clan’s data it was discovered that they had been hired as mercenaries to strike Oasiscorp specifically, by none other than an anonymous ArcCorp executive. Naturally, Soli knew exactly who this must be, and he swiftly brought it up before the authorities.

Word of the hit was suppressed in the ArcCorp-controlled media, but ultimately the unnamed executive was forced to offer Oasis a settlement on their terms – significant monetary reparations, an end to their plague of bureaucratic slowness, and sole claim on the asteroid they’d eradicated the Vanduul clan from.

Much to Oasiscorp’s delight, the asteroid proved rich in rare minerals, and in 2875 when the UEE embarked on Project Archangel, Oasis was able to sell the entire claim to the interplanetary government for a vast sum. Now Oasis was in the big leagues.

From then on Oasiscorp declared its mission – to provide safe lanes of travel for trade among its members and clients, while branching out into exploration in earnest for the first time in its history. The story went that Soli got a taste for it after participating personally in tracking down the Vanduul clan.


Now, in 2950, Oasiscorp remains steadfastly committed to its founding principles of family and connection, and dedicated to trade, hauling, mining, exploration, and diffusion of conflict.

But in the mess halls, work floors and barracks you’ll still hear tales of Soli and Captn’s raid on the Vanduul, a testament to the blood that bought the corp both life and respect.


Our goal is to promote/optimize trade and commerce throughout the UEE via sharing knowledge and assisting one another primarily in activities such as cargo hauling, mining, and scientific research or data gathering.

We encourage our members to seek out new horizons- improving our proficiency whilst establishing positive relations with all whom we encounter.



1) Use common sense.
2) Do not be selfish nor greedy.
3) Do not commit crimes nor piracy.
4) Do not engage in conflicts unless provoked.
5) Treat co-workers and clients with utmost respect.


Board Member – Responsible for overseeing the overall development, direction, and success of the corporation.
Director – Responsible for planning and overseeing venues.
Manager – Responsible for enforcing corporation policies and overseeing recruitment.
Insider – Regulars or trusted members of Oasis.
Member – Standard members of Oasis (should you set your main organization to Oasis, contact Orlop or Captn for this title).
Associate – New prospects or people of loose affiliation with Oasis.


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