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Prometheus / PROMETHEUS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

Reason – Tolerance – Enlightenment

Prometheus is a neo-humanist organization in the spirit of the age of enlightenment.

Our goal is the peaceful coexistence of all mankind & alien species in an utopia of freedom


The story of Prometheus

In Greek mythology Prometheus was a Titan who defied the gods themselves when he made the choice to give mankind the gift of fire. He was punished to eternal torment by Zeus and so the immortal Prometheus was bound to a rock where an eagle came day by day to feast on his liver.

His sacrifice gave the mankind the chance to evolve and laid the foundation for technological and philosophical development

The founding of the Prometheus organization

In our modern days the story of Prometheus was almost forgotten but his ideals shouldn’t be, his fire needs to keep on burning.
Nowadays the once great empire of Earth is heading towards it’s downfall. Warmongers are trying to wage war against the Vanduul, less and less money is spend on education and scientific breakthroughs are scarce.

So it became clear that our salvation lies in ancient times: With the help of philosophy and reason there might be a new dawn for all of us and Prometheus was founded to be a trailblazer for that.


It is time to leave petty politics behind and find solutions for our modern problems.

Prometheus is a modern day think tank in the spirit of the age of enlightenment.

  • We are open to anyone who is willing to discuss and contribute to the development of the human and non-human races.
  • We are open minded and any point of view is open for discussion.
  • We are strictly strictly aristo-democraticly organized. So everything but the foundation of this organization is open for reform and improvement

On the Vanduul

The great Dan Harmon once said: “Snow falls from the heavens pure. We can not blame the snow for being soiled by the Earth.”
This quote, if understood correctly, lets us no choice but to oppose mindless attacks like the planned Operation Pitchfork. We can not and should not attack the Vanduul for revenge. The Vanduul are living creatures and still no serious attempt was made to find a peaceful solution in our current conflict. We cannot accept that and strictly advise our members not to participate in such folly.


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