Supply or Die

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Wanderer Consortium / SBSERENITY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“Well, maybe I’m not a fancy gentleman like you, with your … very fine hat. But I do business. We’re here for business.”

– Malcolm Reynolds

Our Discord


We’ve yet to make our mark or stake our claims… but when we do something of note we’ll be sure to brag about it here!


“Now I did a job, I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character, so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job… And then I get paid.”

The Wanderer Consortium is a small group of individuals working together in the pursuit of adventure. Our goals include freelancing and general purpose exploration across the ‘verse. We seek to relocate to the fringe under the cape of our organizations flagship “Name Pending”. a Carrack meant to spend a considerable amount of time working both in and around UEE space. Most operations will center around this vessel and its escorts however this is not exclusively the case. The interests in our organization have been shown to vary from exploration to engineering and even to claiming a piece of land on a prosperous little planet to set up a homestead at some point. For the most part however, we will be pushing for our own self made fortune. We will seek out adventure and new discoveries near the fringe of known space. Most, if not all of our operations will be done legally, however we are a UEE tolerant organization. Several of our members have previously served tours of duty in the UEE and we don’t wish to see that reputation and good favor sullied. There are instances where objection of certain regulations imposed upon denizens of the ‘verse that occupy their space might be considered unfair or unjust. In these cases we play it by ear, with that in mind… regulations such as the fair chance act may be overlooked if the discovery provided by this overstep of such a regulation has been deemed far too valuable to pass up. Our current fleet is comprised of:
  • Anvil Carrack (And its on board Rover and Snub fighter)
  • Freelancer MAX
  • Drake Buccaneer
  • F7C Hornet
  • Anvil Hawk
  • Drake Herald
  • Aurora MR
  • Aurora LN x2
  • Mustang Alpha
  • Mustang Beta
  • Drake Dragonfly
  • X1 Force x2
  • Tumbril Cyclone RC
  • Anvil Arrow


“You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who’s in ruttin charge here.”

These are the rules we live by, ones you’ll be sure to follow if you fancy sticking around.

  • All members must be 18+
  • There is a zero tolerance policy on causing other members grief. Don’t seek revenge on other members after an accident, grow up and handle your problems with words.
  • Each member of the fleet has personal property. If it isn’t yours, don’t touch it without permission. If your equipment is in the way it may be moved by captains without explicit permission.
  • Final say on all administrative rulings falls to the commander
  • We are not pirates. Freelance is a title we don’t want to see sullied, we may take jobs that are less than reputable, but if we can avoid it, we will steer away from acts of criminal violence against other captains.
  • Life is about having fun. If you are having an issue, talk with one of the captains or the commander. They will see to either helping you find a way to enjoy yourself here with us, or set you up to enjoy yourself somewhere else.