Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


StarCitizenFriends / SCFRIENDS

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

We are Star Citizen Friends. Built by the Citizens for the Citizens. We are an International Organization based on solid core values. We learn together. We grow together. We have fun together. We are an inclusive and diverse Organization based on keeping individuals engaged around the clock.


Star Citizen Friends has a simple and humble beginning.

Our Commander, our leader, our mentor and our friend started this Organization simply by caring for new individual Citizens.

New Citizens would often times post in the Global Chat frustrated and alone. The Commander saw an opportunity to assist individuals in the time of their despair. The Commander answered the call of many – often times forming a bond with people that still endure to this day.

The bonds that the Commander built, still continue to be built and developed. He has formed the Star Citizen Friends Organization to invite more people to join and assist in the aid of others.

Because of the Commander, there are many of us together today. Learning and growing together. Building a global network of friendship that spans across Star Citizen.


From the Office of the Commander

The following Roles and Ranks are authorized for use within Star Citizen Friends:

Star Citizen Friends will have one Commander. This office may only be held by our Founder and Commander, Citizen_X_0998.

The Office of the Commander (OOC) is responsible for the following initiatives:

Organizational Directives: The Commander may issue directives that must be followed by the members of our organization.
Recruitment: The Commander oversees various channels of recruitment. Including but not limited to: Facebook, Discord, and YouTube.
Training: The Commander will oversee training for Master Chiefs. However, the Commander may directly work with Guardians and Foundlings.
Organizational Policies: The Commander will implement or destroy Organizational Policies as he sees fit. Approval of other offices not required.
Discord: The OOC is responsible for overall administration of the Star Citizen Friends Discord Channel.
Promotions: The Office of the Commander may offer in field promotions, without approval, to Organizational Members.

SCF will have one Major. This office may only be held by a Citizen nominated by the Commander. This role is held by Major Jaq-sparrow.

The Office of the Major (OOM) is responsible for the following initiatives:
Directive Implementation: The OOM will ensure the Commanders directives and policies are followed.
Operational Inefficiency: The Major will report Organizational Failures to the Commander on a weekly basis, along with corrective plan of action.
Organizational Branding: The OOM is responsible for creating, updating and ensuring appropriate ORG branding on RSI and Spectrum.
Promotions: The OOM may offer candidates due for promotion to the Commander, as long as there is an open position requiring fulfillment.
Administration: Jaq-sparrow provides administrative support to the Commander on the following channels: Discord, RSI and Spectrum.

The Major is the secondary set of eyes and ears for the Commander. The Major must ensure due diligence in reporting any inappropriate activity to the Commanders Office.

Office of Mining and Cargo:
SCF will have one mining and cargo Instructor This office may only be held by a Citizen appointed by the Commander This role is held by N/A.

The Office of Mining and Cargo Center (OMCC) is responsible for the following initiatives:
Mining Class: Instructor N/A may lead mining classes as requested by Master Chiefs, Guardians and Foundlings.
Cargo Class: Instructor N/A may lead cargo hauling classes as requested by Master Chiefs, Guardians and Foundlings.
Directives: The OMC may provide guidance and resources to all members regarding Mining and Cargo Hauling.
Promotions: The Office of the Mining and Cargo Center may recommend individuals for promotion who excel in mining.
Marketing: Instructor N/A may release instructional YouTube videos which will help Org members grow.
Administrative: Jaq-sparrow has administrative authority over the Discord Channel. Jaq-sparrow holds an Officer Rank with the ORG.

Instructor N/A mining classes are instrumental to the success of the Organization. As miners find the lifeblood we need to survive and grow.

SCF currently has four Captains. This position is held by Captain tjhays091, TemporalSneak, DarkRidd, SniperMechanic and DaveKris. The Captains are the Commanders in-field right hand. Proven in combat multiple times over, the captains always ensure the Commander has what he needs to ensure a successful mission.

The Captains Role is Combat Based Only. The Captain will ensure the survival of the Commander, Major and other Party members. The mission will be successful with Captains Tjahys091, TemporalSneak, DarkRidd, SniperMechanic and DaveKris close by.

The Captain has the ability to lead ground and combat assaults. Providing in the moment guidance as needed.

The Captain may recommend individuals for promotion to the Commander and Major, as deemed necessary.

Captains, in the absence of the Commander and Major, may provide the Discord Welcome to new members.

Captains will report any violations of the Charter directly to the Major or Commander.

Master Chiefs:
Master Chiefs work as a liaison between Guardians, Foundlings and Officers.

Master Chief Tomokogaming:
May lead Guardians and Foundlings in Ship-to-Ship activities.
May lead Guardians and Foundlings in Medevac Rescues.
May act as an infield leader to Guardians and Foundlings.

Master Chief TommyFknShelby:
May lead Guardians and Foundlings in Space Combat
May lead Guardians and Foundlings in Ground Combat Missions
Master Chief BarnStormer specializes infield medical triage
May act as an infield leader to Guardians and Foundlings

Master Chief SturgeonsLoot:
May lead Guardians and Foundlings in Ship-to-Ship activities.
May lead Guardians and Foundlings in Medevac Rescues.
May act as an infield leader to Guardians and Foundlings.

Master Chiefs act as an ally to Officers, Guardians and Foundlings. Providing in the moment support and assistance as required.
MCs may provide promotional information to the Major and Commander as they see fit.

Master Chiefs are responsible for welcoming individuals on Discord, in the absence of the Major and Commander.

Master Chiefs will report any issues to the Instructure, Major or Commander as needed.

SCF needs Guardians! We currently have numerous members ready for the next step!

Guardians are the first chain in our hierarchy. These individuals are our ORGS backbone. These are our solders – where the metal meets the meat. They are loyal members that ensure the survival of our organization. Guardians may lead and influence Foundlings and provide in the moment field tips as needed. Guardians may rely on Master Chiefs in the absence of the Commander, Major, and Captains.

We all start here. The Major started here, once upon a time. This is the beginning of a journey for you. You must prove your loyalty to the Org here. You’ll spend a bit of time here getting comfortable, learning, growing and having fun. The leadership staff will ensure you have what you need! You will be supported. You will grow – you will become a bank of vast knowledge in this role.

You are not stuck here. Our leadership will ensure you move up in the ranks quickly.

The Official ORG and Discord Recruiters are as followed:
SCF members in general

Created by the OOM 6.27.22
Revised 6.28.22
Updated 6.29.22
Updated 6.30.22
Updated 7.1.22
Updated 7.3.22
Updated 7.17.22
Updated 10.7.22
Updated 7.4.23


SCF Regulations:

This documentation has been approved by the OOC and edited by the OOM.

The following actions will result in immediate removal:

Politics of any sort are forbidden. Leave the controversy at home.

Freedom of Religion does not apply here. There is no freedom or religious speech. Religious rhetoric is forbidden.

Hate Speech is forbidden.

We are an inclusive and diverse group. No offense of derogative commentary will be allowed.

Pornographic photos, memes, gifs or videos are not allowed.

You must join our Discord.


You must add the following individuals in game: Citizen_X_0998, and Jaq-sparrow.

You must add the following individuals on Discord: Citizen_X_0998, and Jaq-sparrow.

The Commander, Major or Instructor may remove any individual from the ORG and Discord, without warning, for violating the above rules.

Ship/AEUC Give Aways will be conducted by the Commander on a weekly basis.

Created and edited by OOM – 6.27.22
Revised: 6.28.22
Revised 6.30.22
Revised 7.10.22