UEE Police File: <Reports>
Citizen Number: 739091
Name: N/A
Alias: ピング, Deadeyes, ロブ Fragile Wolf 脆弱狼, Night Owl
Occupation: Engineer, Salvager, Smuggler/Hauler, Hacker, Racing
Activity: N/A
Location: N/A
Notes: Commonly seen alone or in small groups. Potentially _____ not a current tHreAt. Please use caution wheNnn---Wh--_Error code: 00F39aSystemReboot--CancelCMND-->C:\Users\Nght0wl>Copy/assigncrtl...
C:\ find/v "NewCMNDvirus"...<.EXE.SYS>...Loading Hotfix Information...
C:\Users\Nght0wl>TeXT...*Hello there, If you are reading this then your system has just been compromised. Please state your intentions and how long you will be...or simply why you are here, your log in credentials don't seem to match that of a Space Cowboy/girl. So, lets get started shall we...それあなたが探しているものでしょうか?*