I have done my time serving in the UEE. I have spent a lot of that time in some of the most unpleasant shit holes the system has too offer, and knee deep in it as well. What did I get from it all? A pat on the back, a medal on the chest, and a boot out the door. Now I'm out here with the rest of the animals using what skills I picked up and using them where I can. You know what hasn't changed though? The fact that humanity sucks and people will do anything to anyone. I've learned that good people are as real as ghosts. You can only truly rely on yourself. Trust is something that keep to a minimum and when it is broken it can’t be put back together. So now I take what shortcuts I can, and payment here or there. I do what needs to be done. Or what my slanted moral compass tells me to do. The only thing i know to do is keep doing putting one foot in front of the other until you make it or die trying. What would you rather be the boot or the ass huh?