Fleet Admiral Shadow Ichibara began her military career as an ensign in the United Empire of Earth Navy (UEE Navy), quickly rising through the ranks due to her relentless ambition and tactical innovations. Known for her exceptional leadership, she earned the respect of peers and subordinates. However, disillusioned by the bureaucratic constraints of military life and driven by a desire for freedom, Ichibara defected from the navy, gathering a crew of like-minded adventurers and forming the Shadow Marauder's Armada.
Under her command, the Armada became infamous for daring raids on merchant vessels and the exploration of uncharted territories. Ichibara established a code of conduct that balanced piracy with camaraderie and respect among members. Her legacy is one of duality: from a revered military leader to a feared pirate figure, encapsulating a tale of ambition, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of freedom in the cosmos.