X Series, NMS, EVE online, dayz, Arma3, COD4, UT, AOE (1,2), Doom series, Quake series, , Dark and Darker, ACC, Returnal, DOTA (1, nowdays), LOL, Fallout series, EOTS series, WOW, Lost Planet series, Metal Gear series, Planetside, Star Wars Battlefront series, Tera, Blade and soul, The Witcher series, Dark souls series, Elden Ring, Warframe (old school), Dark Orbit, Mass Effect series, DemiGod, Bugs Bunny LIT, Wolfstein series, Blood series, Armored Core series, Zone Of The Enders series, Gears of War series, BioShock series, Brutal Legend, Conan Exiles, Blue Dragon, Metal Arms, , Portal series, Prey, GoW series, DCU, B&W series, Rising Kingdom, Army of TWO, Ghost Recon, Hunted demon's Forge, GTA SA, Soulblade, Prototype, SPORE, APB Reloaded, NEED FOR SPEED series, Tekken 3, Castelvania, LucasArts games, Crash Bandicoot, ABE, Driver, LoZ, Medievil, Metal Slug, War Of The Monsters, Pandemonium, Wipeout, Dino Crisis, Gungage, Syphon Filter, SOTC, LOTR. tell me what you play and I will tell you who you are.