


April 19th 2016

Stoddard Research Center
2946 Jalan Election Poll

April, 2946

Dear Citizen of Jalan,

Our deepest thanks for agreeing to participate in this important poll regarding the upcoming election on the 3rd of May SET. By taking a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire, you will not only be helping all of us at the Stoddard Research Center gain a more complete understanding of how Elysium IV is changing demographically, economically and politically, you will also be ensuring that your voice is heard.

We are a nonprofit and nonpartisan research group whose mission is to generate a foundation of data that enriches the public dialogue and supports sound decision-making not only in Elysium, but Empire-wide. To ensure that the information we generate is of the greatest value to policymakers and other Citizens, the Center is committed to conducting research in a manner that is impartial, open-minded and meets the highest standards of methodological integrity.

To this end, we encourage you to read each question thoroughly and consider each answer carefully. There are no right or wrong responses, but it is important that your opinions are accurately and truthfully reported.

This poll is intended for the Citizens of Jalan only. If you have received this poll in error, please disregard.

Please make sure to read all answer options fully before selecting a choice.


To which political party do you feel your ideals most closely align?

Total Votes: 4169

Were you able to vote in the last Senatorial election?

Total Votes: 4169

How would you rate Senator Atsuki Evan’s performance during his time in office?

Total Votes: 4169

Do you approve or disapprove of the job that Imperator Costigan is doing?

Total Votes: 4169

What do you feel is the biggest problem facing Jalan today?

Total Votes: 4169

Which of these best describes your opinion on the Jalan economy?

Total Votes: 4169

How would you rate your own financial situation?

Total Votes: 4169

Which of these best describes your opinion on how safe Jalan is?

Total Votes: 4169

How much do you think the Vanduul War effort affects your life personally?

Total Votes: 4169

What role should Jalan take in the Vanduul War efforts?

Total Votes: 4169

How would you rate the current status of the environment on Jalan?

Total Votes: 4169

How important is it for the environment of Jalan to be protected?

Total Votes: 4169

How should mining rights on Jalan be adjusted, if at all?

Total Votes: 4169

How do you feel about land reserved for the preservation of Tevarin ruins being used for mining development?

Total Votes: 4169

Which of the following qualities is it most important for a candidate to have?

Total Votes: 4169

If you had to vote today, which senatorial candidate would you be most likely to vote for?

Total Votes: 4169

How satisfied are you with the candidates that are currently participating in this campaign?

Total Votes: 4169

How much thought have you given to the upcoming election?

Total Votes: 4169

How closely have you been following news about candidates for the 2946 Jalan Senatorial Election?

Total Votes: 4169

How certain are you that you will vote?

Total Votes: 4169

Are you satisfied with your life on Jalan currently?

Total Votes: 4169

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