Stanton Industrial Group / 08675309

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Trading

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The Early Years (2940-2950)

The Stanton Industrial Group (SIG) emerged in the bustling system of Stanton in the early 2940s. Founded by a small group of enterprising individuals, the SIG initially focused on providing essential goods and services to the growing population of the city. With a commitment to quality and efficiency, the SIG quickly established itself as a reliable supplier of everything from food and clothing to tools and equipment.

Expansion into the Stars (2950-2952)

As Stanton expanded beyond its planetary boundaries, so too did the SIG. Recognizing the potential of the burgeoning space industry, the SIG began to diversify its operations. They invested in mining operations on nearby asteroids and moons, extracting valuable resources that were in high demand throughout the Stanton system. Additionally, the SIG established manufacturing facilities to produce goods for the space industry, including components for starships, mining equipment, and space stations.

A Galactic Powerhouse (2952-Present)

In a relatively short time, the SIG has continued to grow and evolve. Today, it is a multinational corporation with a presence throughout the Stanton system and beyond. The SIG’s industrial empire encompasses a wide range of activities, including:
  • Resource Extraction: The SIG operates extensive mining operations on numerous celestial bodies, extracting minerals, metals, and other valuable resources.
  • Manufacturing: The SIG has state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that produce a diverse range of goods, from basic consumer products to advanced technological equipment.
  • Trade: The SIG is a major player in the galactic trade network, connecting producers and consumers across the Stanton system.
  • Research and Development: The SIG invests heavily in research and development to stay at the forefront of technological innovation.

The Stanton Industrial Group has played a crucial role in the development of the Stanton system, providing essential goods and services to its population and contributing to the region’s economic prosperity. As the SIG continues to expand its operations and explore new opportunities, it remains committed to its founding principles of innovation, quality, and community.


Our Vision

To establish the Stanton Industrial Group as a leading force in the industrial sector of the Star Citizen universe, driving innovation, economic prosperity, and a sustainable future for all.

Our Mission

To foster a collaborative community of players dedicated to industrial activities, promoting resource extraction, manufacturing, trade, and research. We aim to create a thriving industrial ecosystem that benefits both the SIG and the wider Star Citizen community.

Our Values

  • Innovation: We embrace innovation and technological advancement as the driving forces behind our success.
  • Collaboration: We believe that collaboration and teamwork are essential for achieving our goals.
  • Sustainability: We prioritize sustainable practices and resource management to ensure a healthy and prosperous future.
  • Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct in all our endeavors.
  • Community: We are committed to building a strong and supportive community of players who share our passion for industrial activities.

Our Goals

  • Economic Growth: To drive economic growth within the Star Citizen universe through our industrial activities.
  • Technological Advancement: To advance technology and innovation in fields such as resource extraction, manufacturing, and transportation.
  • Sustainable Development: To promote sustainable practices and resource management to ensure the long-term viability of our operations.
  • Community Engagement: To actively engage with the wider Star Citizen community, fostering partnerships and collaborations.
  • Profitability: To generate profits that can be reinvested into the organization and shared with our members.

Our Call to Action

We invite all players who share our vision to contact the Stanton Industrial Group and help us build a brighter future for the Star Citizen universe. Together, we can achieve great things through collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to sustainability.


I. Name and Purpose


The organization shall be known as the Stanton Industrial Group (SIG).


The SIG is dedicated to fostering a collaborative community of players within the Star Citizen universe, focused on industrial activities such as resource extraction, manufacturing, trade, and research.

II. Founding Members

The following individuals are the founding members of the SIG:
  • Boamac
  • Sir_F4ttius
  • Bravo-1-Foxtrot
  • FaithfulCraftsman
  • Spankles
  • K-Jones

III. Organizational Structure

  • Board of Directors: The SIG shall be governed by a Board of Directors (Board) consisting of:
  • * Boamac (CEO)
  • * Sir_F4ttius
  • * Bravo-1-Foxtrot
  • * FaithfulCraftsman
  • Officers: The Board of Directors shall appoint officers to assist with managing SIG.
  • Committees: The Board of Directors may establish committees to address specific areas of interest, such as resource acquisition, manufacturing, trade, or research and development.

IV. Membership

  • Membership: Membership in the SIG is open to individuals who share the organization’s goals and are willing to contribute to its activities. Currently Membership is by invite only..
  • Termination: Membership may be terminated by the member or by the Board of Directors.

V. Assets and Property

  • Assets: The SIG may acquire assets, including ships, equipment, and property, necessary for its operations.
  • Ownership: Ownership of assets shall be vested in the organization, unless otherwise owned by an individual.

VI. Rules and Regulations

  • Rules: The SIG shall adopt rules governing the conduct of its members and the operation of the organization.
  • Enforcement: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for enforcing the rules.

VII. Amendments

  • Amendments: This founding charter may be amended by a unanimous vote of the Board.

VIII. Dissolution

  • Dissolution: The SIG may only be dissolved by a unanimous vote by the Board.

IX. Code of Conduct

  • Code of Conduct: The SIG shall adopt a code of conduct that outlines the expected behavior of members and officers.