The Galactic Order / 0RDER

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting


The Galactic Order Begins!

Founded September 9th in the year 2951 by Gerard “Holland” Augustinus and Cosmo “Captain” Remington. The organization was founded to fight against the Vanduul forces and to bring humanity together in it’s time of need. Seeing the failing efforts of the UEE and other organizations to destroy the alien threat, Gerard and Cosmo created the Galactic Order in hopes of fighting back the tide of these invaders. The success of this organization would be from the dedication and scientific operations that the men and woman of the Galactic Order would undertake. Cosmo realized that even with the technologies that humans were able to produce, it simply wasn’t enough to gain the upper hand against the Vanduul. Seeing flesh as a weakness, Cosmo and Gerard began a means to increasing the capabilities of the human body. Biological engineering and cybernetic implants would be used to alter and enhance the future super soldiers of the Galactic Order. With these advancements, The Galactic Order will unite all of humankind, and bring an end to the Vanduul invaders. In addition to surgical alteration and biologically enhancement, the Galactic Order has also begun genetically altering embryos the create the perfect soldiers. While this is looked down upon by the UEE, it is a necessity if humanity is to survive against the dangers that await out in the verse.

Sticking to a strict code of honor and duty, these new super soldiers would train with all manner of weapons and techniques to increase their effectiveness on the battlefield. Given the finest armor to defend their already hardened and altered bodies, the white and black armor of the Galactic Order could be seen and recognized easily by anyone. It is a symbol of our strength and dedication in uniting the galaxy and defeating the Vanduul. For if the galaxy is to survive it should be united under one banner.

With the creation of the Galactic Order, and the ever rising Vanduul threat, we are starting to seek out those that are willing to stand up against the invasion and help unify the people of the galaxy.

Mission Statement

The organization began its journey within the Stanton System, growing like a virus within the heart of the UEE’s economy and government. It was within Stanton that the UEE could be seen clearly for the corrupt and incompetent oppressors that they are. Within such a place, the order would find no shortage of willing supporters. Upon arrival, Gerard and Cosmo quickly set their plans into action which began the 1st age of the new empire.

In the early years of The Galactic Order’s formation, the primary objective fell on 3 key subjects: Resources, Structure & Numbers. Structure was the first of these to form, as it would not only insure a strong, sustainable and organized collective moving forward, but would further expose the UEE and their many failures to do the same. This would also further aid in the gathering of Numbers and Resources for many years to come.

Year 1

The first Year of the order’s formation concluded after achieving over 100 members, securing a very substantial fleet of ships, resources, a strong military structure and a well-organized government body. Divisions and protocol were well established by this time, with plenty of room for growth, and the 1st Fleet had amassed 3 full Battalions: Admiralty (led by Admiral Gerard Augustinus), Academy (led by Admiral Cosmo Remington) & the 1st Intercept Battalion (led by Captain Patrick Sole). The Galactic Order would only continue this path of success as growth and further development of the organization’s structure continued with every new member that joined. Countless years of experience was gathering within, from all around the Galaxy with its many star systems and worlds.

Year 2

The second year of the order’s formation concluded after achieving over 200 members. Although this benchmark was unfortunately not commemorated with the organization’s annual Galactic Celebration Week, there were notably greater levels of activity than the previous yearly record, with an incredibly well-structured command and a strongly established leadership council. Divisions and Protocols were further built upon in greater detail, adding more structure to account for developments in combat and conduct, along with new awards and commendations available to military units.

The 1st Fleet also expanded from 3 battalions to 6, with an Admiralty, Academy, 2 Intercept, 1 Venator and 1 Economy. Although a previous Captain (Patrick David Sole) stepped down from their role, leading to the retirement of Intercept-01, 4 new captains were appointed: Captain Finli of Venator-01, Captain Webduelist of Intercept-02, Captain Marcus “Azkudon” Wolfe of Intercept-03, and Captain Dri11 of Economy-01. Both Admirals also established their personal Elite Guards: Patrick David Sole assigned to Admiral Gerard Augustinus and Gregor “WhatIdo” Smythe assigned to Admiral Cosmo Remington.

This year marked a dramatic growth in The Galactic Order’s progress moving forward, giving way to a clear vision of stability and order.


In the Galactic Order, we aim to have an organization that represents order and military might. We want to find more players whom would like to play in a hierarch like organization, where appearance and roleplaying is key. When joining, you would be asked to join our discord where more information can be found. The idea behind this organization originated from the themes like Empire from Star Wars, or the Imperium of Man from Warhammer, where hierarchy is key for survival. With this in mind, when joining the organization, you would be asked to roleplay the rank that you are given, and that you would wear the suitable attire that we have chosen for said rank. We hope that you join our Galactic Order, and we can’t wait to see you in the verse!

Unification and Control

As the Galactic Order, our goal is to unite the galaxy under one banner, one Imperial rule. With the unification of all mankind, we will be able to prosper and go forth into the verse and conquer that which belongs to us. It is our human right to lay claim and build ourselves a home wherever we see fit.


Along with the unification, we aim to wipe out the barbaric alien Vanduul which plague our worlds for they are a cancer whose only aim is to destroy our kind and we must stop them at all costs. We must protect the people which swore loyalty to our cause, for there are many who wish to harm our citizens.

Biological and technological enhancement

With the most advanced techniques and knowledge in biological enhancement and technological alterations, we aim to create the perfect warriors that will have many functions. Flesh is weakness, and altering our very being is the only way to survive in the present, and the future. Alloy prosthetics are a must, for they possess strength much greater than any organic limb.


Our goal is to become perfection itself, and research only brings us closer to that perfection. Scientists will go forth into the verse to uncover its secrets, so that we may advance our technology beyond anything imaginable. We will become the masters of our universe. Exploring the Universe will be the first step in procuring data that will help generate new advancements such as new crafting materials, biological samples for alteration, and a general understanding of the universe as a whole. While most of our Organization focuses on fighting the Vanduul and unifying our race, our scientists will be out in the verse collecting this valuable information.



1) Don’t be a jerk or troll

2) Show respect for others regardless of Race, Religion, Culture, Political Beliefs, Sexual Orientation or Gender. We will not tolerate hate speech or discrimination.

3) For any issues with another member, speak to a superior and let them know of the situation (no matter how big or small).

These Laws will be expanded on a later date when deemed necessary.

Violation of these will result in 1/3 warnings or immediate termination based on response and severity. Honestly, we’re all pretty chill people who just love video games. These laws should be easy to follow.


Being an RP (Role Play) organization, we encourage players to maintain a persona while in-game that would be befitting of the gameplay style we are aiming for. Think… Star Wars Galactic Empire or the Imperium of mankind from Warhammer 40k. We definitely don’t expect academy award-winning immersion but we strongly encourage you to do your best. As someone relatively new to RP, I actually find it to be really fun! XD

This includes the following:

1) Wear the attire of your chosen rank only. 2) Follow the chain of command. 3) Do not wear attire or impersonate a rank that is not yours. 4) Do not perform duties outside those of your rank without permission from a superior officer of Rank 3 or higher. 5) Do not attack innocent civilians (other players), or cause damage to non-hostile targets. 6) Engaging pirates (NPCs or Wanted Players) that would harm you, or citizens, is allowed. 7) To greatly help with communication and progress logs, we require Discord server nicknames to legibly reflect Star Citizen names for all members.

Violation of these rules will result in a warning before demotion. Further violations will lead to termination.

Note: All rank and organization related information is provided in the discord for all members to view. I promise it’s not overly complicated or convoluted. Plus we have pretty pictures to go with a lot of it. Also, keep in mind that these rules apply only in-game and only when associating with other Galactic Order members, activities or events…for now lol