Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Victory Company / 131VICTORY

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to Victory Company. If you wish to join our organization or become allies and work together please, join our discord:


Victory Company was founded by veterans of the verse and started with one dream in mind, to be the best for any situation you may find yourself in, while in the verse. The company is primarily in the Stanton System but does make trips to Pyro for clients that need emergency aid or protection. We are here to be YOUR Navy and Marines when the UEE can’t be. If you want to survive and thrive in the verse you must live by OUR motto, KTF, remember that citizen.

Here is our current Chain of Command for the Company:
》Company Commanding Officer – Dustin-Schultz (in charge of the legion and fleet operations)
》Company Fleet Officer – Captain-Aezehr (helps the CO with the fleet and is in charge of fleet personnel and training)
》Company Legion Officer – TBA (helps the CO with the legion and is in charge of the legion personnel and training)
》Company Medic – Styx323 (in charge of company medical personnel and training)


If you want protection, combat aid, or medical aid in dangerous environments be it space or on the ground we are here to help. From our Legion ground forces to our esteemed pilots of the Fleet we aim to be the best you need for any situation.


Code of Conduct

Section 1 – Standards of Behavior

1) All members are subject to and must abide by the Code of Conduct.

2) It is never permissible to engage in divisive behavior that could compromise the continued well-being of the org.

3) Members must follow all orders given by their respective chain of command.

4) Any failure to abide by the Code of Conduct will result in immediate punishment or potential discharge from the org.

5) Everyone is subject to these regulations. There are no exceptions.

Section 2 – Uniform Code of Conduct

1) All members, past and present, will always be treated with respect. This means NO rude remarks, stabs, pokes, etc.

2) All members should properly observe the chain of command while engaged in org activities.

3) Any member who is inactive for seven days, without notice, will be moved to reserve status. After 14 consecutive days of unexplained inactivity they will be removed from the unit pending investigation.

4) Uniform, weapon and behavioral standards will always be adhered to unless otherwise directed.

4a) Behavioral standards include the following:
*Players will retain a calm mature appearance when actively engaged in org activities.

*No “T-bagging”

*No intentional Team-killing

4b) Uniform standards are defined as:

*Branch-Specific Uniform

*Role – Specific Armor

5) All members will actively attend trainings, operations, and org activities. Although there are no specific activity requirements, a reasonable effort must be made to be active with the org. If this is not possible, the member should submit a Notice of Absence.

6) If a member should hold membership within multiple orgs, they should be able to dedicate the appropriate amount of time necessary to the org.

7) Any bullying or hate speech will NOT be tolerated. Disciplinary actions for this offense may vary, but are relative to the severity, scope, and pattern of behavior associated with the offense. A violation of this policy may result in a discharge from the org following a disciplinary hearing.

8) If at any time a member has an issue that cannot be resolved at the team level, the highest-ranking officer and NCO will be notified immediately.

9) All contact with other orgs will be immediately directed towards company executive officers. No diplomacy will be handled at the lower levels.

10) Anyone who is dishonorably discharged may not, under any circumstance re-join the org.
However, if someone has left the org on bad terms, they may rejoin, pending a review of their previous membership.

Section 3 – Stages of Disciplinary Actions

1) All violations of the code of conduct can result in two verbal warnings (that are tracked) prior to any formal actions being taken (excluding rule #7, and rule #10).

2) Team leaders may choose to handle disciplinary issues in their own ways such as remedial training instead of pursuing further punitive action in order to prevent being forced to demote a member up to 4 times.

3) Any following offences will result in a one rank demotion. Member will be spoken with in private and a determination of further unit membership will be made.

4) Any further violations will result in immediate dishonorable discharge from the org which will bar the individual in question from any further membership.

5) Should any member of the org display a severe and detrimental lack of competence or fail to adapt to the tactics, techniques, procedures, customs or courtesies of the org may be subject to discharge from the org pending a unanimous vote of org leadership.

Section 4 – Membership Requirements

1) Members should maintain an active record of attendance.

2) Any members of the org should be 18 years of age or older.

Section 5 – Recruitment Standards of Activity
1) All new Recruits will have 30 Calendar Days to attend a scheduled training following their initial enlistment.

2) If a recruit fails to complete training within this allotted time period, they will be removed from the org for inactivity.

3) An exception can be made for recruits who try to plan alternative scheduling arrangements, if the recruit puts forward a notice of LOA, or if they provide appropriate context for their inactivity.