3rd Sin Ravens / 3SR

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Security

3rd Sin Raven Private Military Conglomerate is a close-knit, private, multi-division organization. Dedicated to bringing quality equipment and security services to discerning customers.

Due to security concerns 3SR is an invitation only organization


The 3SR conglomerate came together when a group of pilots saw a need to fill holes in several different Industrial and Security concerns. By operating multiple division the 3SR are capable of maintaining a healthy profit margin even when one division falls a little short.


3SR Private Military Conglomerate

We are dedicated to aggressively pursuing all economic and industrial endeavors.
We will scour the ‘verse to bring our customers the products they desire at a price they can afford.

In addition to our stellar acquisition and sales division, we have a 1st class security division available to bring the best protection or assault capabilities to your area of space.


The bulk of the 3SR charter is classified and only for corporate consumption.

The one exception is:

Core 3SR business tenant 3 – All 3SR business dealings will be conducted with honor, always meeting stipulated contract and agreement requirements.