Our Primary Goal is to carve out a small corner of the Verse to call our own and defend it at all cost!
Teamspeak 3 Server: aceshigh.teamspeak3.com
ACES HIGH [ACESHIGH] was founded in 2011. We are based in the United States, Mid Atlantic Region. We are actively seeking and recruiting European, Asian, and Australian citizens to round out our International Organization. Many of our core officers and members have been with us for many years. We have primarily been centered around coordinated atmospheric aerial combat in the 20th and 21st centuries. Many of our founding officers and members are dedicated flight simmers, and real-life pilots with loads of detailed atmospheric flight knowledge. The organization has been managed via a paramilitary command structure from its inception, so we shall carry that into our exploits within the Star Citizen Universe. MILSIM role play is not what we do here. With that, Hard Core combat pilots are not in short supply within ACESHIGH.
We presently host a combined total of approximately 900 members. We host multiple gaming communities, such as World of Tanks, World of Warships, World of Warplanes, Armored Warfare, War Thunder, PUBG, Ghost Recon, SQUAD, iRacing, WoW, American Truck Simulator, Farming Simulator 22, and so on. We also fly within flight simulations such as Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), MS Flight Simulator, and IL-2. The vast majority of our present members are highly trained in aerial dogfighting and ground attack coordination. The majority of these members are now migrating into the Star Citizen Alpha with the officer team to learn about combat piloting in the vacuum of space, as well as the many other career mechanics coming online within the Persistent Universe, as we progress through the Alpha and Beta toward Commercial Release.
ACES HIGH leadership and members have gathered an impressive number and variety of ships in SC Alpha. Many of the leadership-owned ships shall be made available for organization member use within our Organization Hangars. We are attempting to acquire a workable contingency fleet of industrial-type ships to assist the membership and organization in the UEC (United Earth Credit) earning, and reputation building process. Our approach is that ongoing industrial pursuits by any organization in Star Citizen will require constant org-provided escort and logistical support, in order to remain profitable and meaningful. Our core concept is this cooperative model, utilizing our pre-existing extensive aerial combat experience as a foundation will provide an excellent base for growth into the Star Citizen Universe.
ACES HIGH shall be a Self Sufficient Organization. Our multiple inner-org civilian disciplines benefiting greatly from the highly effective protection our Military Task Force provides on a 24-hour basis. This high level of protection shall allow our resource gathering efforts to be highly profitable and effective and shall promote higher-level profit sharing potential for all members, no matter the ACESHIGH division they may find themselves participating in. We seek to explore together, learn together, fight together, and earn together. This is the ACESHIGH cooperative mentality which continues on from our founding.
We see this platform as the ‘future’ of PC gaming and wish to become a fundamental force and an integral part of its development.
Here are some of the Capital Class and Sub-Capital Class vessels the Admiralty have accumulated for org use, and those owned by our presently backing members:
We feel that having a tight-knit organization working together to accomplish larger goals in the Verse will be the most profitable and fun path for our membership. What we have learned so far points to Star Citizen becoming one of the most prolific team-based game clients ever created! If you feel the same and want to earn your place in the SC Universe with us, please feel free to contact us at any of the access points denoted below for more details:
We are seeking recruits who are agreeable to the general goals and tenets set forth above. If you are agreeable to the outlined goals, we eagerly look forward to an enduring partnership!
“ACES HIGH is committed to building a multifaceted community that explores the unique and diverse gameplay that is Star Citizen. We constantly look to maximize our enjoyment of the “Best Damn Space Sim Ever”. We work to ensure that we are successful in what we do in the game, and we always do so as a team. We’re building an organization that our members can depend on, a family within Star Citizen which always has the best interests of our members at heart.”
“Deliver well organized daily gameplay experiences for all members through the implementation and improvement of organization infrastructure, resources, and activities; so that experiences are dynamic and scalable for as many players as is required. We want our collective experience to be accessible, fun, and successful.”
Our Mission is key to our enjoyment and success, and is a cornerstone of building a thriving community.
The following are cornerstones that guide, support, and help us achieve our organization’s Mission:
We provide infrastructure, resources, and activities to enable and optimize Well Organized Gameplay Experiences around the core game activities as developed by CIG :
• All members shall have fair access to game opportunities. For those members who seek leadership or more advanced roles, we offer training to help you achieve the required qualifications, rank, or certification that will get you to the next level.
• We always seek to strike a balance between real life and game time. We always put real life first, and we do not expect you to put in a minimum amount of game time. Our infrastructure and programs are designed to increase the skill sets of our members, regardless of whether your commitment is casual or harder core. However, should you wish to put in the time to gain experience and to train, the sky’s the limit for your skill level and, of course, credit earning potential. We aim to be the best – and we’re not afraid to put in the work to make that happen.
• ACESHIGH has developed tools that allow us to quickly and efficiently form scaleable groups for all trades/functions on the fly. We want you to be able to join us and get into a meaningful mission with the smallest amount of downtime possible.
• The ACESHIGH organization and all of its members are committed to upholding UEE laws and standards, first and foremost, no matter where in the universe we may find ourselves conducting operations. The defense of org members, assets and territory is our first and highest priority, but we will fight in the defense of the UEE and “non-aggressors” whenever and wherever possible. Our long-standing collective, cooperative combat discipline proves highly useful in these scenarios. The maintenance of a good Reputation Rating with the UEE government is vital in securing high profile government contracts.
We provide leadership, infrastructure, tools, guides, programs, training, etc. to enable our Mission:
• The information our members need such as Org Chart, Fleet Sheet, Training Programs, etc. are maintained, updated, and published in logical, consistent, and easily accessible manners for our members’ ease of search, understanding, reference, and our alignment as a community.
• We endeavor to enable all members, from Chief Executive to Prospect, to spend at least 75%+ of their Star Citizen time “in-game, engaging with comrades.” Our organization’s policies and infrastructure (website, communications platforms, etc.) are designed with this in mind and will evolve as Star Citizen evolves to deliver the promise of our Vision and our Mission.
• Under the direction of organization founders, leadership positions are open to and comprised of those who – through community spirit, passion for the game and passion for ACESHIGH – apply to volunteer their time and attention to take on delegated authority as positions are created or vacated. Interested in serving the community? Speak with any leadership council member!
• The primary purpose of our leadership and organization systems is to distribute information effectively to potentially thousands of members simultaneously. The main goal is always to try to maximize our in-game effectiveness, which makes us more successful and helps make the game even more enjoyable. Our solutions are aimed at accomplishing these goals by ensuring that each member is ready to deploy as quickly as possible to take part in org activities and be effective during said activities. We accomplish this by making sure our systems are scalable and flexible enough to handle a wide array of daily situations.
In Star Citizen, ACESHIGH is a self-sustaining UEE-allied organization, with a focus on security and industry. We operate as a semi-autonomous entity within Star Citizen, operating without the influence of other organizations, governments or groups outside of the UEE.
We would like for you to be as active as you can, meaning we would like to have you play and be on Team Speak at least three times a week, the more the better. We certainly understand real life issues occur and all we ask is that you notify the officer of your division of any issues you may have in regard to being in-game and having time for organization based missions. We will work with you if you communicate with us as we are very understanding. If at the onset of Commercial Star Citizen Launch, you simply do not show up in the [ACESHIGH] TS or in-game for months on end, you will be removed from the organization roles to make room for more active members. You may re-apply at the point where you have time for the game/organization again.
ADDENDUM: We are presently completely unsure of what the in-game organization communications depth and capability shall be. Once determined, we shall reevaluate and solidify the Teamspeak presence policy.
Members Shall:
No Member Shall:
Officer & Leadership Expectations and Duties:
Our leadership forms the Command Structure that allows us to function as a gaming community, fighting force, and diplomatic force. The Expectations of [ACESHIGH] leadership are high. These standards are expected of every leader and officer, from Ensign to Executive, to Admiral. It is expected that if you are unable to meet and deliver the standards outlined below, you would stand down from your position of your own accord and without malice. [ACESHIGH] is always seeking competent leadership from within our ranks. Please feel welcome to step up and ask about a commission if you feel that we have a leadership role which is a fit for you!
Officers & Leaders Shall:
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