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The 313 / AHMC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

The 313 is a group of honorable solo pilots, making their own way through the verse. What started off as a few hard working haulers hanging out at the G-LOC bar, sharing stories and helping each other out, has turned into a way of life.


The 313, Solo pilots working together. The 313 is a group of solo pilots, making their own way through the verse. What started off as a few hard working haulers hanging out at the G-LOC bar, sharing stories and helping each other out, has turned into a way of life.
Independence above all
Most of us original 313 flew old pieced together Cutlasses from all corners of verse. They were beat up, but their hauls were solid. Like our ships, we also came from all corners of the verse, and had our own stories to tell. Most importantly we each valued our independence over anything else.
Ironically it was our common need for independence that brought us together. We all absolutely refused to get caught up in politics and corporate greed, so good networking was vital to basic survival and making a living in the verse.
The 313
Break downs were common as we often would be running salvaged components, we had to as our limited hauls didn’t produce much of a profit. We pretty much got to know one another at the G-Loc bar, sharing our stories of how we taped things together to complete our hauls. It was a pain in the ass, but talking about it afterwards was rather entertaining. The big haulers would always get a laugh at some of the things we did just to complete our hauls, but admired our ingenuity.
We would constantly be asking around for old cheap components that would otherwise be written off as trash, most still having some life in them. Failures were common so we tried to have spares of whatever onboard. We started running with comms open to channel 313, listening in for any shoutouts, “I’m down, anyone have a spare cooler?” It became a bit of a contest between us to be the first to chime in, “got one, on my way!”
Others got wind around G-Loc to our little “operation”, you know the big haulers. They had their resources, but if we were nearby and had what they needed. Often rather than wait for a service ship to show up, they’d drop in on channel 313 and would gladly take whatever we had just to finish out their run. Calls started going out, “hey any 313 nearby?” So we started carrying more spare components, it turned into a nice side gig. Not to mention beating those big repair outfits to a quick repair was quite satisfying! I have to admit, the rep we earned was rather nicel!
Lucky Break
The day came when I had a quantum drive pop, dropping me out in the Aaron Halo. However it wasn’t the normal looking Halo, it had huge rocks and was very dense. Growing up on Levski, this really got my attention! A quick scan and some poking around showed some interesting prospects, with multiple tight clusters of quantum nearby. This was big, the question was how big? I soon got on the 313 asking for a spare drive and told whomever was nearby to drop everything and get out here!
It wasn’t long before we had a plan to pull our resources to figure out what exactly was out here. The initial thought was to survey the area and sell the location. The big problem was selling the location to whom as we despised all the big mining operations, some more than others. Regardless we had to figure out what we had first.
This was the Aaron Halo so we knew any survey would take awhile. So with the support of some other 313, we stocked up my Cutlass for a 30 day survey. Yes, 30 days out in open space in my Cutlass, I’ll spare you the details.
The Plan
It became clear right away this was bigger than any operation in Stanton could handle. The amount of quantainuim was un-measurable. None of us were really looking to get rich out of this, just enough to keep doing whatever it was we wanted. We were not going to be bullied out of our share by the big corporations like Hurston and to some extent Arc Corp, because eventually the word would get out, and we’d be pushed out.
We had all the info we needed and a plan to go with it,I had a few good sources out of Arc Corp from my time hanging out at G-Loc, people I’ve traded with, people with the right contacts. We needed money, prospectors and pilots! Pilots wasn’t the problem, but no prospects on a single prospector.
With some work a detailed contract under the Aaron Halo Mining Co. was pitched the plan to a few good backers. We were to mine and haul quantum out of the Aaron Halo to ArcCorp, with the intent to keep the operation relatively small. We didn’t want to draw attention to us or our backers. We wanted it to last, but knew our gig would be up eventually. So they basically gave us a dozen prospectors to find pilots for. Most of us were 313, with a few other pilots we recruited hanging around G-Loc. Good people, good pilots, mostly. Mr Fun, CaptChef, Frankensticky to name a few.
We operated out of ARC-L1, right under everyone’s noses. They could see us coming and going, but they had no idea where as we never made straight jumps. We did more survey work and developed new ways to hunt for quant. Good fun! The refinery at ARC-L1, Quin the manager down there was happy as can be to take our quant. Everyone was happy making good money! Some of us still run quant out of Belt #5 now and again, like everyone else nowadays, a bit harder to find but plenty to go around still, for now at least. Others have moved on to different things.
A way of life.
We came to realize the value of our independence and how vital a good respectable network of people is. We are better off now, upgrading for our faithful Cutlasses, but our way of doing things hasn’t changed. We still run with spare components, just in case a call goes out for any 313 nearby!
The 313 wasn’t something that was former, but rather just came about from a few good solo pilots working together. It’s a lifestyle that was picked up by many other solo pilots, and encouraged other pilots stuck in corporations to find their own place in the verse! Independence above all, but always willing to lend a hand when called upon. Once in the 313, always in the 313!
Looking for casual solo pilots who wish to build a network with other solo pilots. People looking to explore all the depths of Star Citizen with creative tools and experience. New to the game or well versed you are welcome. Come be a part of a network to share ideas and bring our SC experience to new levels!
Group Leader Sketto
2015 Backer – Cartographer – Explorer – Miner – Salvager


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