AMMO was born from the ashes of Orion Terra-systems, a corporation based on Armitage that helped to prepare the planet for the large-scale agriculture it was becoming known for. At that time, the first elements of the org were part of the corporation’s Mobile Militia Division – essentially a security force whose main focus was protecting the company’s facilities and headquarters on Armitage and its interests in the system as a whole. When the Vanduul were first recognized as a true threat rather than just another group of pirate raiders, Orion Terra-systems’ leadership made an unusual decision – the Final Order. Rather than evacuate to protect corporate assets and profits, they asked all able personnel to hold fast, protecting the escaping farmers and other civilians. The Mobile Militia Division made up a significant portion of the “civilian” ships that stood alongside the Peacekeeper Security forces in the desperate defense of the planet that helped to save the lives of the last evacuees of the planet.
In the chaos of the aftermath, it became clear to the Mobile Militia’s surviving commanders that Orion Terra-Systems, as a company, had not survived. They were a corporate security division without a corporation to secure. Understanding the sacrifice that had been made, however, most of the surviving commanders chose to continue the mission they were given – to protect civilian refugees from Armitage, and give them the means to escape to nearby systems that were, as of yet, not threatened by the Vanduul. Gradually the disparate ship captains and squadrons assembled at their old rendezvous points near the edge of the Caliban system. The Mobile Militia used surviving corporate freighters as impromptu supply depots, hospitals, and even temporary shelters for refugees as they arranged passage on transport ships bound for safer places in the galaxy.
The Mobile Militia’s errant forces rallied around the Final Order, taking their role as refugee protectors to heart. As the flow of refugees trickled to a halt and Vanduul sorties pressed closer and closer, they had still not officially recognized that they were no longer a part of a corporation. That only came with the decision of the commanders to abandon their rendezvous point for a more permanent base of operations, in the face of a large Vanduul raid seemingly targeting them specifically. Daring Mobile Militia captains led the raiders on a twisting chase between the Caliban system’s many jump points, while affiliated freighters and other civilian ships made their escape. When the surviving diversion force’s ships arrived in Oberon, it marked their first real “victory” against the enemy, as well as the first official operation of the Armitage Mobile Militia Offensive.
In the years and decades that followed, AMMO developed into something similar to the independent organizations of the modern UEE – They followed the military structure of their organization, but increasingly blended in trade and other non-combat roles, at first to provide logistics and later to earn the credits that kept the fleet flying. AMMO fighters flew escort for independent traders and small-scale company fleets. AMMO haulers moved goods between dozens of independent and UEE worlds along the edge of increasingly tense borders. The Final Order was never forgotten, though – Orion survivors and their descendants, often part of the other vast networks of pilots and captains, knew they could always trust their AMMO comrades.
In recent months, new developments have slightly altered AMMO’s focus, however. After years of subsistence operations, rumors reached the Director’s ears of a prize worth focusing on. After being captured following a devastating attack on a MISC ship dealership protected by an AMMO security contract, a notorious scoundrel named [REDACTED] offered to reveal the location of a lost Idris-class frigate — believed to have been lost sometime shortly after the fall of Caliban — in exchange for leniency in dealings with the Advocacy. With most investigations of the rumor leaning towards its validity, the Director has renewed the traditional council of captains, gathering a group of experts in intelligence, shipboard security, and fleet maneuvers. It’s clear that AMMO intends to find this “lost ship”, even if it takes a fleet wide mobilization on a scale not seen since Orion and Caliban. A new flagship may be in store for the Armitage Mobile Militia Offensive – and with it, perhaps a new course — back towards the dangerous edges of the UEE, where protection is needed most.
The Final Order Stands.
We here at AMMO are a self-sufficient private military corporation.
- We focus combat mainly, however we have a couple branches that are not combat specific and have their own very important roles.
- In our organization we strive to band together with other citizens interested in group and well coordinated play.
- We are not the normal military, every man and women here is free to come and go as they please, But as long as your standing with us you will follow your assignment and rank.
-We always are on call as hired escorts.
- We ask no commitment unless you wish to move up our ranks, our leadership roles will be hand picked by the council and graded in terms of capability, their personal strengths, and whether they will still be able to enjoy the game while keeping up with their assigned responsibilities.
-Along with, our only rule in regards to ranks is tied directly into activity in the group. If you are assigned a role and go dark for X amount of weeks you’re rank will deteriorate and others will be assigned in your place.
- This is an open group, feel free to bring anyone interested.
Common careers held by AMMO Members.
- Shipboard Security
- Escort
- Bounty Hunter
- Engineer
- Fighter Pilot
- Scout
- Diplomat/Recruiter
- Logistics Technician
- Wayward
Our Discord server AMMO Discord
- Maintain some level of maturity when the situation calls for it
- No Griefing or Bullying
- No Discrimination
- If you have a problem with another member settle it in DMs not General Chat, In the event you need moderation feel free to message any mod in the channel and they can help sort out your issues :)
- Stay on topic of the channel
- No real world politics or religion in chat
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