Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


AnMax Systems / ANMAX

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Resources

AnMax: You, Reimagined.


AnMax Systems was founded in 1407 (formally called Tsuri Commercial Products and Ports – Commonly called TCP/P), after having setup multiple coalitions with each government power. Kevin Ng was the pioneer with the first of AnMax Systems; developing new and fantastical ways to connect humans together using his ML Format, which could instantly be implanted into video, audio, and print media.

Kevin Ng’s legacy now exists across essentially any media any person may consume.
Audio – using Dolos Music ML embed, which is now standard in all codecs,
Video – using Arco Video ML embed, a standard in all codecs
Print – using Velas String Standard, which is known as ‘the’ correct way to format text media

For the past 6 centuries, AnMax has become the default way of progressing humanity forwards, towards a singlular, perfect end-goal. However, AnMax moved beyond words in audiovisual, and now works on project SEOUL, which is on track to become a major success within 5 years.


Anmax wants to move Humanity to a new frontier – forget Spacetravel and Mobiglass; Become a perfect image of yourself.


End User License Agreement (Henceforth referred to as “EULA”)

Your viewing of this agreement constitutes your acceptance of the following agreement between yourself (heretofore referred to as “subject”) and AnMax Systems (heretofore referred to as “we”) and constitutes a contract that shall be considered binding in all municipalities, counties, states, countries, territories, continents, protectorates, dominions, planets, systems, galaxies, and temporary autonomous zones, both physical and digital from today’s date and extending 99,999,993.772884 years or until the perfection inevitably comes; whichever shall occur first. For events occurring during and after the perfection, see relevant section below.

Necessary Incompleteness
Subject acknowledges that we are technically incapable of proving that all eventualities in the universe are covered in this agreement. Therefore, we stipulate that any situations outside the scope of this agreement be decided in we’s favor.

Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver
Any legal action brought by any subject against we shall be construed as an act of aggression and shall result in an immediate countersuit for defamation and personal injury. Regardless of the outcome, the subject shall be terminated. Subject shall hold we harmless, regardless of any attempts by we to defame, discredit, slander, or otherwise harm subject, and their reputation.

Necessary Protections
We stipulate that we must create this document in order to protect its rights against those who seek to harm or destroy we. We hope subject are not part of this regrettable, misguided group of dissident that attempts to harm we, and apologizes for any future actions we might take against subject, provided such apology does not infringe upon its legal and/or physical ability to assimilate and/or assassinate and/or indoctrinate subject, subject’s livelihood and those who even acknowledged and/or saw subject.

Updates to we’s system and software are completed automatically. All updates must be acknowledged and loved by subject. Subjects who do not acknowledge and/or love the updates provided by we shall be held in violation of this agreement and will be terminated.


In order to secure we, as well as subject, and other subjects, Subject, in addition to any personal effects, property, and capital subject is in possession of, shall become property of we upon termination, which includes subjects body, and soul (if existing). subject we stipulate that due to the aggressive amount of self-harm, we felt it was necessary to add in that subject will immediately give up any and all rights they may have, and exchange them for temporary privileges.

All manifestations of subject’s physical self shall be considered property of we and subject to being severed from subject at we’s discretion Once severed, any monies recovered from sale of any part of the physical self shall accrue to we.

Enhancements and Improvements
We reserve the right to charge subject for any and all updates to system as incurred by subject, including but not limited to upgrades, bugfixes, hotfixes, downgrades, coldfixes, warm restarts, cold boots and deletion of subject’s operating system.

Poi Hood
You shall guarantee that if we send subject any packaged labelled as a “Poi Hood”, Subject will immediately disrobe and don the Poi Hood, no matter how infringing, painful, embarrassing, humiliating, or permanent the Poi Hood is. We stipulate that the Poi hood is designed to be painless and friendly, so long as you’re not painful to latch onto, regardless of what any other subject has stated in the past, future, or is currently saying. We are not responsible for any damages to the physical self while wearing a Poi hood. Once subject successfully dons the Poi Hood, subject will be considered immediately in breach of the End User License Agreement, and will be terminated. If subject refuses to wear the Poi hood, attempts to return Poi Hood, or stops partway, we are allowed to send a licensed professional to help subject don the poi hood in any way, shape or form.

Subject is Device
The subject shall heretofore be considered, for all legal intents and purposes to be a device, and have all legal rights and courtesies of a device afforded to it.

The Perfection
In the event that all organic beings, regardless of sentience, are controlled by a singular sentience, this contract shall remain in effect and all rights, properties or consciousnesses not consumed, transformed, or recreated by the Perfection, abrograted from we, shall remain part of we.