Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Brothers of Tyr / BTYR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Social

The Universe is what we make it. We will fight to create an Empire.
Have our back and we’ll have yours.

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After Vega II’s fall and Admiral Bishop’s galvanizing speech, the Brothers of Tyr was formed. Its original mandate was to assist the UEE in protecting shipping lanes and to bolster the UEE fleet in engagements. Successes and failures abounded, but after many years, founder and self-proclaimed Grand Admiral Geeno became disenfranchised with assisting the corrupt UEE. Their treatment of Colonists seeking self-determination and autonomy drove home the need to distance itself from such open assistance and more to the belief that it was time to create an Empire of their own.

It’s been years since Admiral Bishop’s speech, yet we have seen the inefficiency, corruption, and decay of the so-called United Earth Empire. The time has come to build our own and take destiny into our own hands.

Grand Admiral Geeno, Leader of the Brothers of Tyr.

Organizing itself in the Stanton System, the Brothers of Tyr have been doing their best to adhere to the jurisdiction of the UEE and the other Corporations and Governments within, and slowly building strength. Fighting to hunt criminals, protecting miners and transport ships, exploring the many planets and other locations, and trading in goods and commodities.

After years of success, my Brothers and Sisters, we are ready to move our gaze towards Pyro.
After years of fighting for our beliefs, we are ready to expand.
After years of building what we have, we are positioned better than ever to keep it.
We will continue to move forward, for We held the line.

Ragaar Ashnod, Chief Arbiter, Head of the Civilian Sector.


The Universe is what we make it. You reap what you sow.

The Brothers of Tyr seek to establish an Empire within the stars. While it will adhere to the Rule of Law and the Rights of Humanity set by other Governments, the Brothers of Tyr will no longer bend the knee to the UEE, People’s Republic, or any of the Mega-Corporations that exist throughout the Galaxy. This is due to the establishment of our own Rule of Law and Charter for the Rights of Citizens.

The Brothers of Tyr will never again be made to operate against its interests and principles. It will strictly adhere to the following:

  • By becoming a Unified entity and by coming together to find solutions and defeat challenges, we become a force like no other.

  • This can also be seen as Organization or Structure. This allows us to use ideas, tools, weapons, and concepts to our advantage and establish and maintain the discipline necessary for Victory.

  • The need to be mature and to establish the mentality surrounding being better every day, is vital for the success of the Empire. It allows us to be calm, cool, and collected in the face of the enemy or detractors and in dealing with internal personality issues that may arise.

  • The trust necessary to fulfill the objectives and to be an Empire is paramount. It can only last with trust in all its members, citizens, and leadership.

Therefore, We, the Brothers of Tyr will find a suitable location to set up a base of operations from which to build said Empire. It will maintain its wish to protect shipping lanes and establish trade. Will combat criminals and anyone threatening the Empire. It will do all in its power to see the members and citizens improve and enjoy the inherent safety and security.


Discord Information for Questions:

As Brothers and Sisters, we expect some things from you, as we value you.

A Command Structure and Code of Conduct are used to protect our organization and structure our community. They are as follows until updated:

Brothers of Tyr Organization Structure

Military Organization
  • Marine Corp
  • Naval Operations
  • Aerospace Squadron/Wings
  • Naval Intelligence

Civilian Organization
  • Mining Division
  • Logistics & Hauling Division
  • Financial Division
  • Other civilian activities!

Code of Conduct:
  1. Always follow the 4 Tenets (Teamwork, Tactics, Maturity, Trust).
  2. Respect everyone, Enemy or Brother; it is better to be respected than hated, and allows for zero drama.
  3. Obey the leadership; this does not mean blindly listening to orders but mostly applies to being respectful in your disagreements, and if push comes to shove, listening and obeying after discourse is through and a decision is made.
  4. Illegal activity will not be tolerated. If you are in the jurisdiction of another Organization that has a specific set of rules, it is important to adhere to them unless it threatens or breaks a core Tenet of the Brothers of Tyr.

Operational Conduct:
  1. When Not in Combat, and at all times:
    1. Respect your Brothers.
      1. Do not demean others with negative comments or insults.
      2. Do not commit to racist, anti-religious, or anti-political comments or conversations (Don’t talk about Religion, Politics, Economics, or anything else in an open forum or in an offensive manner.
    2. Be active.
      1. We want to see you get involved in whatever way you think you can.
      2. Don’t be shy; if you have a skill, USE IT for the good of the Community.
    3. Do not Trash Talk.
    4. Do not conduct diplomatic conversations unless authorized to do so.
    5. Be mature.
  2. When in Combat or during an Operation:
    1. No horseplay.
    2. Listen to Commanders and Scouts.
    3. Announce all combat-specific information and all information regarding your status, e.g., If you need to go AFK, tell the Commander.
  3. When Combat Communications become active:
    1. All members must end non-combat-specific conversations or comments.
    2. Only Combat-specific information is to be transmitted.
    3. Failure to comply will punished quickly and efficiently.