Criteria 6 / CCCCCC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

We want you to be fully educated, engaged and empowered to adapt and thrive.

Our Legatus leader wants to show you how you can grow from a Civilian and become a Citizen.

As a Citizen you can…

-Own businesses

-Pursue politics

-Vote in UEE matters

C6 Airlock:


Criteria 6 was formed on the belief that humanity as a whole must make amends for mistakes of the past, while pursuing a future that will benefit all intelligent life in all its forms together.

To be educated, engaged, and empowered, we all occasionally need some help. Our team wants to show you how to best use your time within the simulation. We would like you to profit and grow as fast as you possibly can and we can teach you how to not only survive within this simulation but how to thrive.

Criteria 6 welcomes all players, however we encourage and support the most ethical and active players the most. Every decision within this simulation matters. We will explain to our members and clients precisely what that means.


To educate, engage, empower a new way of thinking for the next generations of humanity to come.
To encourage the faith that all of humanity will one day have the opportunity to explore the universe and engineer creative new ideas.
in a way that is responsible, empathetic, and understanding of the perspectives of other beings, cultures, and teachings.
To explain the importance of communication in the efforts to identify personal prejudices that limit our success as a species.
To enhance the lives of every citizen that is simply willing to put in a positive effort to better things for everyone,
by demonstrating that the journey, and whom we share it with, is more important than the destination.

First Contact Message:
“As a member of species that cherish peaceful relationships with living lifeforms that have the ability to intelligently communicate, It is the greatest honour and privilege, to be a part of this incredible opportunity to attempt to achieve mutual understanding and open communication between our different cultures; and we value the upcoming potential to find mutually agreeable terms that allow our respectable species to trade our goods and resources to permit both of our great species to live prosperously and in harmony.”


Star Citizen is a Simulation based on real life. Try to be a good person

-You have the right to free speech about anything or anyone, and the responsibility that speech must be backed up by truthful verifiable reference sources.
-You have the right to preemptively defend yourself aggressively, and the responsibility to verify that all the combination of ability, opportunity, and intention to attack are met.
-You have the right to defend yourself to permit your own personal survival, and the responsibility to always try to protect innocent lives.
-You have the right to meet new races and cultures, and the responsibility to understand their ways without judgement
-You have the right to live within the SC universe, and the responsibility to keep yourself alive at all costs
-You have the right to pilot all vehicles you qualify to pilot, and the responsibility to pilot/land/store those vessels safely and ethically
-You have the right to choose any path within SC universe you feel like, and the responsibility to know that all choices will have benefits or consequences
-You have the right to any belief structure you wish, and the responsibility to understand that rules of the regional territories will always supersede rules set by religions.
-You have the right to eject safely from a vessel, and the responsibility to not shoot people that eject from vessels
-You have the right to become a medic for hire, and the responsibility to work on stem cell cloning research
-You have the right to abuse your body in any way you choose, and the responsibility to understand that every choice and action will impact your lifespan and health.
-You have the right to choose what your avatar will do, and the responsibility to kill rare NPCs as well as attend unique events and even discover jump points or new systems
-You have the right to be a part of other peoples stories, and the responsibility to allow other people to be a part of your story
-You have the right to travel, and the responsibility to ensure you always eject before your ship explodes as well as protect passengers from taking head shots while boarding
-You have the right to medical treatment, and the responsibility to explore the most dangerous and unregulated parts of the galaxy for the best medical treatments
-You have the right to request help, and the responsibility to offer aid to assist others missions, required actions or jobs.
-You have the right to be properly trained in each field, and the responsibility to continuously pass that knowledge on to others.
-You have the right to your own opinion, and the responsibility to be open-minded and able to look beyond that opinion to permit the potential of being wrong
-You have the right to build a settlement on protected worlds, and the responsibility to protect and develop that settlement to help others.
-You have the right to clean air and water, and the responsibility to protect the environments that provide these resources
-You have the right to assistance, and the responsibility to ensure that the order of priority is vessel (most lives) then life (individual lives) then environment then machinery.