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Cerberus Tactical / CERBTAC

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

Greed is right.

Greed works.

Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.

Greed, in all of its forms — greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge — has marked the upward surge of mankind.

Greed will save humanity. Mark my words.


Founded in September 2954, Cerberus Tactical is the organizational successor to the Unknown Soldiers org, founded in 2950. The lessons learned from that organization are reflected in Cerberus Tactical, for a better, cleaner, and more effective future in the ‘verse.


In the vast and ever-expanding universe of Star Citizen, survival and success are not guaranteed to those who simply exist—they belong to those who have the will to thrive. It is in this harsh, competitive landscape that Cerberus Tactical, a syndicate forged from ambition, will rise. This manifesto justifies the foundation of Cerberus Tactical and the philosophy that guides it: Greed is good.

1. The Virtue of Self-Interest
Greed is often misunderstood. In its purest form, it is not the reckless pursuit of wealth at the expense of others, but rather the natural drive for self-improvement, ambition, and the pursuit of greatness. Every civilization, from Earth to the farthest reaches of the UEE, was built by those who sought to acquire more: more knowledge, more power, more resources. Greed fuels this expansion. In Star Citizen, the only certainty is that resources are finite, and those who act on their desires will control them.

At Cerberus Tactical, we believe in embracing this reality. Greed is the fuel that powers innovation, exploration, and conquest. It is the catalyst for survival and dominance in a universe where the weak perish and the powerful thrive. It is not an enemy to be fought but a force to be harnessed.

2. Survival Through Strength and Wealth
In the Star Citizen universe, security is an illusion. Pirates, warring factions, and lawless territories ensure that safety is always temporary. The only true protection comes from strength—and strength is built on wealth and influence. By securing resources, expanding our influence, and maintaining a military force capable of crushing opposition, Cerberus Tactical will not just survive; it will dominate.

Greed is what will keep us ahead of the competition. While others may play by outdated rules of honor or fairness, Cerberus Tactical will exploit every opportunity to gain an edge. We will seize new technologies, leverage political alliances, and ruthlessly protect our interests. Wealth isn’t just a tool; it’s the means by which we ensure our place at the top of the galactic food chain.

3. Power, Control, and Legacy
At the heart of greed is the desire for control. In a universe filled with chaos, Cerberus Tactical seeks to impose order—our order. By consolidating power, we ensure that our syndicate dictates the terms of engagement, the distribution of resources, and the future of our members. Others will look to us not only as a beacon of strength but as the inevitable force shaping the galaxy.

Our ambition will leave a lasting legacy. Greed ensures that we don’t just live for today but plan for tomorrow. While other organizations may fracture or succumb to internal weakness, Cerberus Tactical’s pursuit of power guarantees stability. The more we acquire, the more control we exert, the more inevitable our dominance becomes.

4. Loyalty Through Opportunity
Greed is also the foundation of loyalty. Those who join Cerberus Tactical are not bound by fleeting ideals of friendship or empty promises of morality. Our members are motivated by opportunity—real opportunity. Here, greed is rewarded. Success is acknowledged, and ambition is the pathway to higher ranks, better resources, and more influence.

Cerberus Tactical is a meritocracy where those who contribute the most reap the greatest rewards. Members are incentivized to pursue their own interests because in doing so, they advance the syndicate as a whole. This creates a bond far stronger than hollow oaths—it forges a unity based on shared prosperity.

5. Ruthless Efficiency in a Competitive Galaxy
Cerberus Tactical doesn’t just act out of wanton greed; it acts with calculated purpose. In this universe, waste is the enemy of progress. Every credit, every resource, every life must serve the syndicate’s greater purpose. We optimize for maximum profit, tactical efficiency, and military precision. We don’t squander assets, we invest in our future. In a galaxy where margins can mean life or death, we maximize every advantage.

Our approach is simple: no opportunity is left unexplored, no rival is left unchallenged, and no asset is left unsecured. Greed drives us to explore the unknown, exploit every vulnerability, and expand into territories others deem too risky. Where others see chaos, we see a market waiting to be cornered.

6. The Code of Greed: The Ethical Pursuit of Power
Cerberus Tactical operates under a guiding principle: greed is ethical when channeled properly. We do not seek destruction for its own sake, nor do we harm without reason. Our actions are driven by the pursuit of power and profit, but we recognize that long-term stability is crucial. Our greed is disciplined and focused. We make strategic alliances, ensuring that our partners benefit as well—because their success furthers ours.

We are not thieves, but opportunists. We do not act out of malice, but out of necessity. The universe of Star Citizen rewards those who understand that greed is not the enemy of justice, but a driving force behind progress. We do what we must because, ultimately, survival is the only morality.

7. Why Cerberus Tactical Must Exist
Cerberus Tactical will fill the void in the galaxy left by complacent empires and naïve idealists. As a syndicate, we embrace the raw reality of Star Citizen’s universe. We do not pretend to be saviors or heroes. We are the inevitable force of ambition, carving our place in the cosmos through calculated aggression and unyielding pursuit of our goals.

Greed is good because it compels us to be better, to reach higher, and to never settle. It ensures that Cerberus Tactical is not just another organization lost to the sands of time but a syndicate that will shape the future of this universe.

Greed is our foundation, power our goal, and dominance our destiny. Join Cerberus Tactical—where ambition knows no bounds and every opportunity is ours for the taking.


Cerberus Tactical Syndicate Charter


Cerberus Tactical is a syndicate founded on the principles of ambition, profit, and personal advancement. In the Star Citizen universe, wealth and power are not merely goals—they are necessities for survival and dominance. Arbitrary limitation to lawful or unlawful activity is counter-productive to the pursuit of credits, influence, and power, and so we place no such limits on our members, save that members obey the rules of the game as it exists at the time, eschewing griefing, cheating, or exploiting development-related glitches. Our members come from all walks of life, bound by a singular drive: to improve themselves, secure their place in the galaxy, and build a collective empire. This empire isn’t focused on territorial conquest or exclusion of other organizations from a physical part of space, but an empire of influence and profit. This charter outlines our purpose, values, and the structure by which we operate.

Article I: Purpose
Cerberus Tactical exists to provide a platform for individuals who seek to maximize their in-game potential—both in terms of skill development and wealth acquisition. We believe in the pursuit of personal advancement while contributing to the overall success of the syndicate. Our primary objectives are:

Profit Generation: Maximize profits through trade, mining, bounty hunting, mercenary work, piracy, and other lucrative in-game activities. Making money not only generates the ability to make more money, but it generates a powerful incentive to outsource (both to other orgs and NPCs) tasks that we cannot or do not wish to do.

Skill Development: Foster an environment where members can improve their piloting, combat, exploration, and economic skills. Personal skill is important no matter your chosen profession. Excellence and sharing best practices is one of the core concerns of an org.

Tactical Dominance: Any org exists to multiply power greater than the sum of its membership. Power projection in protection of business interests and countering threats to our operations is essential to continued operations and protecting interests.

Article II: Core Values
Personal Advancement: Every member of Cerberus Tactical is encouraged to develop their individual skills, grow their in-game wealth, and pursue their own objectives. The syndicate provides the structure, resources, and opportunities for its members to advance as far as their ambition will take them.

Meritocracy: Advancement within Cerberus Tactical is based on contribution, skill, and the ability to generate profit. Those who contribute the most value to the syndicate, whether through leadership, combat, strategy, or economic prowess, will rise through the ranks. (To clarify, this also includes play time. All members are welcome, regardless of their level of commitment to playing. Those who advance will do so based on a combination of skill, time available to play, and willingness to advance the org causes in conjunction with their own. Rewards come with rank, but all members are expected to profit from org operations.)

Opportunism: Cerberus Tactical will seize any opportunity that benefits the syndicate and its members. We operate without unnecessary restrictions, focusing on results and the bottom line.

Inclusivity of Skills: Whether you’re a trader, miner, fighter, strategist, or an explorer, Cerberus Tactical has a place for you. In fact, we need, and will continue to need these skills to meet the goals and agenda for the long-term operations for this org outlined below. As long as you bring value to the syndicate—whether by making money or helping us secure it—your talents will be welcomed and rewarded.

Article III: Membership
Cerberus Tactical operates an open-door policy. Anyone with skills that can help generate in-game wealth is welcome to join, regardless of background, experience, or playstyle. Our syndicate values both individual contribution and teamwork, and we believe that a diversity of skills is essential to our success.

Section 1: Joining the Syndicate
Application: Any player can apply for membership by expressing their interest and detailing the skills they bring to the table. While the vetting process ensures that new members understand our goals, we do not discriminate based on experience level—whether you are new or a seasoned veteran, Cerberus Tactical will provide opportunities for growth.

Roles and Specializations: Members are free to pursue their own paths within the syndicate. Whether you focus on commerce, mining, combat, or exploration, you will find support and collaboration. Additionally, members can freely switch roles or take on multiple roles as they develop new skills and interests

Section 2: Responsibilities of Members
Profit Contribution: Members are expected to actively participate in in-game activities that generate profit for both themselves and the syndicate. While personal advancement is a key goal, members should also seek to elevate the syndicate’s standing and resources.

Skill Improvement: We encourage all members to continually improve their skills in piloting, FPS combat, navigation, negotiation, and any other areas that will help fund their personal and the org’s operations. Cerberus Tactical offers a variety of internal training opportunities, missions, and events to help members sharpen their abilities and build synergy with their fellow members.

Collaboration: While personal advancement is highly valued, collaboration is equally important. Members are encouraged to work together on larger projects, missions, and operations that require multiple skill sets and yield greater rewards.

Article IV: Syndicate Structure
Cerberus Tactical operates as a meritocratic organization, meaning that those who provide the most value to the group will naturally rise in influence. Leadership positions are not permanent but are fluid and based on contribution, results, and the respect of fellow members. Rising and falling within the organization periodically is expected, and should not be seen either as favor or disfavor. Profit is king, and different members will hold different positions at different times based on the needs of the organization, the abilities of the individuals, and the landscape of the ‘verse at any given time.

Section 1: Leadership Roles
The Boss: The top-level leader responsible for setting overall strategy, approving large operations, and making key decisions on alliances and syndicate policy. Advised by the Consigliere (may be multiple individuals at a given time), the Boss is the final say in any syndicate-wide matters and anything appealed to his level.

Underbosses: These individuals are responsible for large swaths of the syndicate’s operations, focusing generally on overall game loops and categories of operations, such as Security, Mining, Salvage, and Logistics. The top tier operational leaders, they set training schedules, conduct events, and support each other’s operations as the needs of those operations cross-polinate among the focuses of the Underbosses. They are appointed by the Command Council based on merit and expertise in their specific domains.

Capos: Focusing on game loops under each category focus of the Underbosses, the Capos are the most specialized leadership group. Where an Underboss may focus on Security, a Capo under that Underboss may specialize in ground operations or caravan protection. A Capo under the Logisitics Underboss may focus on exploration (to scout routes and temporary jump points) or smuggling: These leaders the true operational leads in their respective areas, and organize the Soldiers and Associates assigned to them for a given mission, making sure the mission is successful, and that their members are taken care of. The profitability and efficiency of a given operation is largely on the shoulders of these leaders, and they are the SMEs in their respective domains.

Soldiers: This level of member is where the future leaders are selected from. Experienced in game skill and having gained the trust of the org, Soldiers are the beating heart of org operations. Whether looking for future leadership opportunities or simply content as a competent cog in org operations, this is the rank that new initiates should look to rise to as they gain their footing in the org.

Associates: This is the introductory level of org membership. Whether due to lack of playing time with the org or still working on their skills in game, these are the members that should be brought along for teaching and mentorship on lower level missions, to grow the skills and competencies to allow them to advance to Soldiers and beyond.

Section 2: Promotion and Advancement
Performance-Based Promotions: Members rise through the ranks based on their individual performance, ability to generate profits, and contributions to the syndicate’s operations. There is no set hierarchy that must be followed; promotions are organic and based on merit.

Opportunities for All: Every member, regardless of rank, has the opportunity to lead missions, propose strategies, and gain recognition through their efforts.

Leaders Create Leaders: Every level of leadership is responsible for the advancement of the organization as a whole and its members indvidually. Leaders developing new leaders to help in org operations is itself both a requirement of the role and a benefit to be rewarded.

Article V: Code of Conduct
Cerberus Tactical operates under a simple but powerful set of rules designed to maximize efficiency, cooperation, and profit.

No Unnecessary Restrictions: Members are free to pursue any in-game activities they desire, so long as they benefit the syndicate in some capacity. Whether through legal trade, piracy, bounty hunting, or smuggling, all paths to profit are valid within Cerberus Tactical.

Respect for Fellow Members: While competition and ambition are core to our syndicate, internal sabotage or betrayal will not be tolerated. Members are expected to respect one another and work together when necessary for mutual benefit. Private contracts are allowed and encouraged, but should be cleared with leadership to ensure that the org has not been hired by both sides of a given conflict.

Adaptability: The Star Citizen universe is constantly evolving, and Cerberus Tactical must evolve with it. Members are expected to remain flexible and willing to adapt to new challenges, strategies, and opportunities as they arise.

Article VI: Syndicate Objectives
Cerberus Tactical’s overarching goal is to become a dominant force in the Star Citizen universe, leveraging wealth, power, and influence. To achieve this, our syndicate will focus on the following objectives:

In the near term, Cerberus Tactical will focus on honing in-game skills in preparation for future operations. Given the wide range of possible paths for Star Citizen to take in the next several years, members are encouraged to learn and experience all game loops, even those where they may have little interest. This knowledge may help in supporting those operations in the future and understanding the limits and parameters of the work being done on those game loops.

In the medium term, the focus is on resource acquisition, including traditional resources (through mining and salvage, etc) and less tangible resources (influence, fame, exposure of the org to the wider community, etc). Honing of skills will remain a focus, and connections between game loops will begin to take shape (mining into cargo running, salvage supporting base building, security operations protecting all other operations, etc.). Economic superiority is important, as it helps mitigate all future tedium (in the form of salaries for NPCs, paid insurance, and other expected money-sink features). Influence brings in members and business, so every opportunty should be made to expose the org to future trade and business partners as well as future members.

In the long term, operations will further focus not only on money-making activities, but also feeding a semi-legitimate ship-building and refurbishment business. It was stated in 2023 that ships like the Bengal and others would not be available for sale, but potentially one could find a wreck and rebuild one. Being able to sell that kind of asset to a private party would require a lot of the resource-development loops mentioned as near and medium term operations, but also require security, base-building, cargo-hauling, and of course, plenty of money to effectively carry out. This is why building our concept of operations and in-game skills is so critical. In order to pull off any kind of operation on this scale, it would necessitate a large, focused, well-trained operation to complete, and the potential for profit would be astronomical, which could in turn fund other operations. It is not the goal of Cerberus Tactical to control systems or combat other orgs. The focus must be on making money efficiently and building skills so that someday in the future we can take on an operation of this size, whether it’s ship rebuilding or some other equally impressive task. Each member must be personally solvent and personally skilled in order to contribute to an effort that they couldn’t hope to accomplish on their own. That is the ultimate goal of Cerberus Tactical – to take the will and skills of the many and turn it into the kind of profit none of us could hope to achieve solo. There can be no distraction in holding areas of space or conducting wasteful and self-consuming military operations. Our operations must be efficient and effective to allow for this kind of vision for the future.

Article VII: Amendments to the Charter
This charter is a living document. As Cerberus Tactical evolves, so too will our guiding principles and rules. Amendments to the charter may be proposed by any member. Input will be accepted from any party. Changes will be implemented at the discretion of the Boss, in consultation with the Consigliere(s).