The Nineteen / COVID

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Infiltration

Greetings, friend.

Is the career you seek, the opportunities you want and the life you desire out of reach?
They aren’t.
We can help.
Let us guide you into the fulfillment and success you deserve.

The Nineteen blesses you.

Our Discord Server



Over the attributable history of the Nineteen, as an informal and formal faith movement and organization, the group’s teachings, practices and membership numbers have risen to celebrated prominence and withered into obscurity. This cycle has repeated several times as the faith has been driven by different core beliefs. Over time, as the group’s influence ebbed and flowed, they’ve practiced forms of Tevarin and Human mysticism; successfully championed several relief efforts to the benefit of millions; were reclusive, isolationists practicing asceticism and depravity; was one of the wealthiest organizations, for a time, after divinely investing in wormhole exploration, and now for the last 20 years have re-emerged as a movement promising enlightenment of self and fulfillment of one’s aspirations.

Historic Origins

While several of the group’s supreme leaders, referred to as Prophet, have declared at varying times over the centuries that the faith started when the Universe began, the year 2540 is accepted by most scholars and adherents as the ‘date of founding.’ The Nineteen started on the Tevarin homeworld of Kaleeth, which is now called Jalan, a few years before the First Tevarin War (2542 – 2546). It was the war, or rather the march toward war with the humans, that inspired several like-minded Tevarins to divine a path of solidarity in which their people might …


Date of (re) Founding: 2930
Prophet: Engle Rikk
Occupation: Reclamation Tech


We seek to honor the teachings and way of the Nineteen aspiring toward individual and mutual fulfillment.

The Path Of Fulfillment

  1. Convergence
  2. Occupancy
  3. Vocation
  4. Instruction
  5. Determination

NOTE: This faith group is for all people who seek universal fulfillment (fun and friends in the “Verse). We will have those dedicated solely to the Tenets of the Nineteen as well as affiliate followers who maintain connections with other organizations.


We seek to honor the teachings and way of the Nineteen aspiring toward individual and mutual fulfillment.

Tenets of the Nineteen

  • All beings deserve fulfillment
  • One’s fulfillment must not knowingly harm or impede the fulfillment of another
  • Mutual fulfillment expands and intensifies the light and warmth of the Universe


The Path Of Fulfillment

  1. Convergence
  2. Occupancy
  3. Vocation
  4. Instruction
  5. Determination


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith.

Please come back soon to learn more about our community.