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Cranky Old Trucking Co. / CRANKY

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Smuggling

Need something hauled? Need it to get there in one piece, no questions asked? Cranky Old Trucking will get the job done, at a reasonable rate.

Not interested? Get off our lawn!


We’re old. We’re cranky. We’ve been like this for a long time.


Cranky Old Trucking will take any hauling job, as long as we get paid. We also have a small fleet for security/escort, but mostly for our own use, not as mercs for hire. We operate on a few basic principles:

1. We work for anyone.
2. Once we agree on a deal, we’ll live up to the terms of that deal, no double crosses. Unless…
3. If a customer goes back on a deal, all bets are off.
4. Damn kids.


- Most basic rule: Don’t be a dick. Follow this, and you will have no issues with Cranky Old People Trucking.

- Absolutely zero tolerance for racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise discriminatory/hateful behavior.

- No RL politics or religion, please. Let’s have fun and kill each other over video game politics and religion instead.

- We’re not a pirate organization per se, but we have no problem working outside the law. That said, we will not bully, harass, grief, or otherwise ruin another player’s day without cause. Taking conflicts outside the game is definitely out of bounds. No doxxing, cyberstalking, etc.

- We will only accept members age 21 or older, mature 18+ on a case-by-case basis. We are a group of working adults who want to play to have fun, not have to worry about teenage angst-driven drama. Only middle-aged angst is permitted.

- Respect in chat/voice. We are all adults, so swearing is perfectly fine. However, if a person feels uncomfortable or is offended by a particular term, please respect that and don’t use it. “Raped” as a synonym for “pwnd” is a good example of a term that probably won’t fly with mixed company. See rule 1.

- Remember that this is a game, and we’re here to have a good time. Why so serious?