Day Late Garrison / DAYLATEORG

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

This is the official Org for Day Late Gamer fans, friends, associates, and Citizens alike!
Did I tell you its an Alpha? Dude, its in Alpha…. prepare for the fuckery

YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvxZBL0aw1Wsf1B4j7S6Ymw?v=

Day Late Gamer Discord:


Founded in 2948, we take pride in the things that differentiate us from other Orgs. In reliance on our team mates, we strive to be the best like no one ever was. With our talents, efforts, and combined tactics, we offer one of (if not THE best) environments to start, learn, and flourish in. Our vast fleets will offer opportunities that can not be duplicated. Playing almost daily, you will never venture the ‘verse alone.

Starting in 2948, we opened the doors to our illustrious org to better enrich the lives of those who may not have had the best experiences or chances. We stand with heads held high, as our integrity and practices make us one of the most sought-after Orgs to be partnered with. We here at DLG believe there is strength in numbers, and have allies across the known expanses.


Interior Crocodile Aligator
I drive a Chevrolet Movie Theater


We declare, that by the grace of those who came before us, we will uphold the thoughts and values concurrent to those mindsets in which we delegate absolute control and dictation. In accordance to the 2644 binding agreement, we hereby declare that we’re the best. Joining our ranks, by proxy, makes YOU one of the best.

As well as incorporating a myriad of ships, personnel, we decree these fundamental cornerstones to being a good member:
1) Excellence, Integrity, and Intelligence
2) Being thoughtful, insightful, and wrathful
3) To instill a level of fortitude not seen before, or since
4) Committing to and executing the most extreme levels of shenanigans and fuckery this side of the Banu Conglomerate
5) Kicking ass and chewing bubblegum
6) ……..?
7) Profit !
8) Teamwork

These tenants, plus the unspoken unwritten tenants make up some of the core beliefs.
Do YOU have what it takes?