Dingus Incorporated / DGI

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to Dingus Incorporated.

We have been taking over the world 1k/s since 1977.

Now we will begin to take over the ‘verse’ one pirate at a time.


It all started when two best friends played their first computer game. From Commodore to Amiga, to i7’s and beyond. Those two friends played every game together. They were turning games into a cooperative or multiplayer experience before there was such a thing. Of all the games they played, ‘Wing Commander’ really stood out as a series that should always have been played with friends. So in 2014 we are founding Dingus Incorporated, so that we can all experience Chris Roberts’ dream of a vast living universe. The ‘verse he had originally intended Wing Commander to be, back in 1990. And this time we are bringing more friends, and even some family to the game.


We strive to have a fun time playing the game cooperatively with friends. Whether its Bounty Hunting, Smuggling, or acting as a Pirate. If we can all be together having fun, that’s all that matters to us.


Stick together and have fun.