Division X / DIVISIONX

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Trading

Division X is a organization for you who most importantly wants intelligent players around himself and to have fun with.
The company aims to buy big ships that needs big crew because more crew = more fun!

Join our ranks!

Click here to join our Discord channel!


Our Discord channel here!

The main reason to make Division X was to get smart, intelligent and polite players together to have more fun when playing with other alike players.

The Division X founder then came out with some ideas to make this smart organization to actually gain something for participating in here:

-Make an organization that aims to pay an actual salary to it’s crew by making big in-game money together and even gifting players ships.
This is possible by making big moves together such as: -Mining with Orion, a heavy mining ship that needs a big crew. -Using Kraken to accomplish big missions + for doing cargo runs -And at overall with many crew members we can do a variety of missions together =more and easier profit

With gained in-game money we will split it with our crew or even buying small ships as a salary – as you prefer.

Other than that we will just go for adventures and have fun – either free roaming together or doing whatever the crew likes to :)

See manifesto and charter, too!


Our Discord channel here!

Division X has invested in these ships:

-Drake Kraken (Large carrier)
-Rsi Orion (Heavy mining ship)
-Rsi Polaris (Corvette-class naval patrol ship)
-Sabre Raven (Stealth-fighter with EMP-capability)
-Rsi Ursa Rover (Ground vehicle)

+some other, smaller ships

These ships are in consideration to come next:
-Banu Merchantman
-A2 Hercules

What ship would you like to play?
Let’s find out what we need to do to get that ship!


Our Discord channel here!

If you join Division X, you will be promised these things:

1. All members are polite and smart people who can speak and write in english.

2. We will do big missions together to make big money (but free roam and just chilling around, too)

3. With smart and polite people we will make money together and my goal is to pay you big-ass salary in UEC or even by gifting ships to you!

4. You will have fun with us! :D