Dark Skies Contracting / DSMG

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Welcome to the Dark Skies Mercenaries. Here, we believe in working together tactically and in friendship to accomplish whatever we set our minds to: Through freedom of choice rather than enforcing dogmatic rules. There is structure – But we decide what we do together. Enjoy the stay.


We come from an old pirate organization that was scrapped and pawned off to whomever would take us because our old leader got bored and joined another org. We started as a separate division in a tactics club that grew to be pretty good friends by the time the org had disbanded and we decided we’d take the next step and make our own rather than be the leftovers for others to scoop up.

Now we exist as mercenaries with allegiances to our friends and a focus on tactical and team oriented game play.


Our organization prefers bonding and close friendship over numbers because we believe a specialty group in a game with a lot of people doesn’t achieve the same kinds of feats as one with smaller numbers working well together. We’re interested in active members that are willing to communicate ideas and share tactical or out-of-the-box concepts with one another – In ANY category, from any game, in relevance to anything.


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