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East India Trading Company / EASTICO

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Exploration

The East India Trading Co., a Star Citizen org, thrives in the interstellar chaos. As audacious traders and shrewd pirates, we seize opportunities, turning risks into riches. Ready for a daring venture? Join us, as we redefine power, wealth, and liberty in the universe.


History of the East India Trading Company (EastICo) in Stanton

1. Historical Inspiration and Founding

The East India Trading Company (EastICo), drawing inspiration from the historical East India Company of the 18th century, was established sometime in the early centuries of space exploration. Its precise founding date has become shrouded in the mists of history, giving rise to legends and myths surrounding its origins.

2. The Beginnings in Stanton

The East India Trading Company began as a modest trading organization during the early years of exploration and colonization in the Stanton system. Inspired by the historical East India Company’s legacy of establishing trade routes to the Indian subcontinent, the founders of EastICo envisioned a similar role, connecting planets and moons within Stanton for profitable interstellar commerce.

3. Emergence as a Major Trade Entity

Over the centuries, EastICo steadily expanded its reach and influence within the Stanton system. As the region grew in population and economic significance, EastICo emerged as a major trade entity, facilitating the exchange of valuable resources, goods, and technologies among the various celestial bodies.

4. Embracing the Privateer Tradition

In the face of growing threats from piracy and rival factions, EastICo embraced a tradition established by its historical counterpart – privateering. They formed a private security fleet of skilled pilots, authorized to protect EastICo assets and interests by any necessary means. These privateers, though sometimes controversial, became a formidable force in safeguarding the company’s trade routes and deterring pirate activity.

5. Controversy and Challenges

As with the historic East India Company, EastICo faced its share of controversies and challenges. Accusations of aggressive tactics and unethical conduct by privateers tarnished the company’s reputation, leading to periods of strained relations with the UEE and other organizations within the Stanton system.

6. Modern-Day East India Trading Company (EastICo) (30th Century – Present)

In the modern-day of the 30th century, EastICo has weathered the storms of history and continues to play a significant role in Stanton’s trade and commerce. Through periods of reformation and stricter regulation, the privateer fleet operates with greater accountability and adherence to ethical standards.

Inspired by the historic East India Company’s spirit of commerce and expansion, EastICo strives to foster prosperity through legitimate trade while navigating the complexities of interstellar politics and economic rivalries within the Stanton system. As the centuries progress, EastICo remains an enduring symbol of the region’s commercial aspirations and the ambition of its founders. The shorthand “EastICo” has become a widely used and recognized term when referring to the East India Trading Company in Stanton.


Manifesto of the East India Trading Company (EastICo)


We, the members and leaders of the East India Trading Company (EastICo), in pursuit of prosperity, cooperation, and the advancement of interstellar commerce within the Stanton system, hereby declare our principles and vision for the future. As a premier trade organization, we are committed to fostering economic growth, facilitating peaceful cooperation, and ensuring the well-being of all those we interact with.

1. Commerce and Prosperity

At the heart of EastICo’s mission lies the pursuit of legitimate trade and the creation of prosperous economic ecosystems. We seek to establish fair and equitable trade agreements with various factions and corporations within the Stanton system, promoting the free flow of goods and resources. Through efficient trade routes and modern transportation technologies, we aim to benefit all inhabitants of Stanton, contributing to the overall growth and development of the system.

2. Security and Stability

EastICo recognizes that security and stability are paramount to a thriving economy. We pledge to maintain a formidable private security fleet, comprising skilled pilots and state-of-the-art vessels, to safeguard our trade routes and protect our assets from external threats. However, we will ensure that our privateers operate within the boundaries of law and ethics, avoiding actions that may harm innocent traders or violate universal principles of justice.

3. Diplomacy and Collaboration

In our pursuit of prosperity, EastICo values diplomatic engagement and cooperation. We shall seek to establish strong relations with the United Empire of Earth (UEE) and other influential organizations within the Stanton system. By promoting dialogue and fostering mutual understanding, we aim to create a harmonious environment that benefits all stakeholders and advances the collective interests of our region.

4. Ethical Practices and Transparency

EastICo pledges to uphold the highest ethical standards in all our business dealings. We shall operate with complete transparency, ensuring that our stakeholders are informed of our actions, partnerships, and financial transactions. As responsible corporate citizens, we will actively engage in sustainable practices, respecting the fragile balance of our natural resources and environment.

5. Innovation and Progress

At the core of EastICo’s identity is a commitment to continuous innovation and progress. We shall invest in cutting-edge technologies, research, and development, with the aim of improving the efficiency of our trade operations. By embracing advancements, we will remain at the forefront of the ever-evolving landscape of interstellar commerce.

6. Social Responsibility

As a leading corporate entity in Stanton, EastICo acknowledges its responsibility to contribute positively to society. We shall actively engage in philanthropic endeavors, supporting initiatives that foster education, healthcare, and community welfare. Our aim is to empower and uplift the lives of all those residing within our trade territories.


In embracing this manifesto, the East India Trading Company (EastICo) is dedicated to the noble pursuit of prosperity, cooperation, and progress within the Stanton system. We pledge to uphold the principles set forth in this document, embracing the spirit of unity and mutual benefit, as we strive to shape a future of economic abundance and harmony for all inhabitants of Stanton.


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