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Church of the Great Tentacle / ELDERGODS

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

Within the Tentacle you will find peace. Within the Tentacle you will find an answer to all of your aggressions. The Tentacle leads us where It may, and we must follow. Join us; follow.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.



When you’re alone in space, not a spacer or UEE sec in sight or sensor range. You may feel, now, that you are truly alone, but you are not. At any juncture of time and space lies something so old, so omnipotent, and so evil, that you should be tremoring in your cockpit. At first what you thought was space debris might look like tentacles in the peripheral of your vision. As soon as you look directly at them, they turn back into space junk. Soon he will consume you. Soon, us all.


The Prophet of Kettar shall stand as his mouthpiece, the corporeal representation of the will of the Tentacle. The Prophet stands at the head of the church and the corporation, acting both as spiritual leader and business & fiscal leader. The Prophet shall be responsible in establishing and upholding the mores of this Tradition. Beyond this, the prophet is powerless.

Two entities govern the Prophet’s role. The first, the Elder Circle. The Elder Circle is comprised of many elders of the Tradition, most who bear the honour and favour of the Tentacle. They act as the sole governance over the role of the Prophet. It is their task to oversee the placement of a new prophet, should the incumbent be consumed.

The second entity is the Council of Exarchs, a collection of some of the most loyal and powerful adherents to the Tentacle. These people are sometimes gifted with the touch of the Tentacle, and some too bear the honour and favour of the Tentacle. The Exarchs act as advisors as well as Board of Directors for the business duties present in the corporation.

This structure of governance is commanded by Kettar our great Lord and master of all Tentacles, through his Prophet, and thus is the law of this Tradition.


Proponents of the Great Tentacle will not act on it’s behalf independent from the supervisory arm of the Tradition. Overseers are the members of the Tradition most skilled and learned. Along with overseeing all day to day tasks of all adherents, overseers are responsible for tracking down those who would lambast the word of the Great Tentacle.

All adherents of the Tentacle that exist below the above stated roles organizationally are the liaisons to the rest of the universe.The word of the Mighty Tentacle must be carried to every system; every spacer, civilized or not. The Great Kettar, master of Tentacles will come forth and usher in a new age. Submit to his will. Obey.


From the Journal of Caiy Nyhm [date redacted]

I have seen the darkest place in the galaxy. It is a madman’s home, exhibiting such peculiarities as the decapitated pig’s head, pushing its way almost as though through a birth canal, crowning from the uterus of a black hole. There, I met with a slime-covered tentacle. Is there a beast connected to the tentacle? There must be, as I heard caterwauling of demonic tone, a wail so piercing that I seemed to pass from and back to my body in one anxious explosion of tingling frisson. This jarring experience however was as a sunny day in the park. This gruesome limb, covered in clammy suction cups, attached firmly to my forehead. One sucker felt as if it had attached directly to my pineal gland, and my brain was being painfully and irreparably sucked out of my third eye. The visions, oh, the visions that this dark beast gifted unto me. I saw the birth of the universe, the Xi’Ans, humans, and all other manner of beast and alien that inhabit our empty section of space. I saw all of the events of history, flashing by me, the observer of all that was and will be. And from this expansive knowledge I have learned the Truth of the Universe, and learned of the secret toward which we are all compelled to seek. Tarry not with your material belongings. Among the chosen of the tentacle, you will only need your wits and your body. Sacrifice yourself unto the search for truth. It is fulfilling and satisfying. You must come to sapience on your own and in your own time. But to receive answers more quickly to sooner ascertain the truth, you must join in our fellowship and commit to our rules and precepts. They are thus:

  1. No idol or representation of The Tentacle will be allowed to exist. The only and true form of the darkness is The Tentacle.
    1. All adherents must journey to the darkest place and commit to the truth. Novices among us prepare for this journey, and undertake it before being advanced as an adherent.
    2. The only exception to creating idols is once per eon, we must make and destroy an idol of The Tentacle, as it allegorizes this command and provides a basis for bringing the dark, into the light.
  2. The body of adherents that make up the cult must ever grow. The Tentacle is the only and solemn truth. Adherents must travel and proselytize, bringing in ten new novices of The Tentacle before being considered for advancement. In this way we will have a continuous influx of novices to select from. This will empower our devotion to The Tentacle.
  3. As the satiety of our spirit and belief come from the vast darkness and emptiness of space, so too must we sustain ourselves nutritionally from the vastness of space. No organic material that originates from a dirt of some form is to be consumed.
    1. Even if rejecting the material and produce of dirt would spell bodily demise for an adherent, they still must refuse and rely on the sustenance provided by the darkness of space.
    2. In the interest of diplomacy, if an adherent must consume food of the land to avoid grave offense or to cement a negotiation in which The Tentacle comes out more favorably than any other party, then they must, to establish and confirm the superiority and all-knowing of The Tentacle.
  4. The Tentacle is the only and solemn Truth.
    1. Aspirants are those that seek novicehood among The Tentacle.
    2. Novices are new members that must learn of our ways and travel to the genesis of our tradition before promotion.
    3. Adherents are the base level of our Priests. They must do as The Tentacle deeds, and bring ten novices into the fold.
    4. Tenway are Senior Priests that have fully devoted themselves to The Tentacle, and are the pool from which higher ranks and councils are appointed. Aside from all custodial and bureaucratic tasks, The Tenway must further our doctrine and their own knowledge through research, proselytizing by lecture, and regular visits to the genesis of our tradition. Each year that passes, Tenway must bring ten novices into the fold.

These that I have written were given to me by my joining with The Tentacle. I am Infiniway, the master of all ways and the High Priest of The Tentacle. The Tentacle wills that my word is law, and thus have I written it.