Exelus is a law-abiding Corporation whose contractors are known across the ‘verse for providing whatever services the client needs to complete their goal.
As more stasis chambers opened, the head of the salvage team attempted to engage in conversation. It seemed none of them could speak at all perhaps a result of prolonged stasis. The group was gathered and moved to a ship waiting to transport them to some unknown location for debriefing. All records of the encounter were erased, and no mention of the group could be found anywhere.
In 2877, a farming village under attack by a band of raiders is thwarted by a small, fierce group sporting only a few ships showing an unprecedented amount of coordination and teamwork. The grateful farmers asked their heroes why they defended the village and how they could show their appreciation. They were told that the job was already paid for by the mill the village sells to as the company did not want to suffer the financial losses the death of the villagers would have cost them. The farmers ask the group to at least tell them who they are and are simply told “Exelus.”
During the next few years, The Exelus Corporation has turned their one ship and non-existent network into a small fleet with contacts in every system. They started taking whatever work they could get a hold of to learn more about the ‘verse they suddenly found themselves in. Word of this mysterious organization known simply as the Exelus corporation spread from the undercities and backstreets to the farthest remote outposts where their successful ventures turned this one unknown ship into a promising enterprise of assisting those in need whether it was protecting people and goods or stopping pirates and raiders alike. Further investigation revealed that smaller companies hired them quite often and they earned a reputation as a competent, loyal group of freelancers that can be counted upon to uphold their contract with honor.
On one such fateful day 8 years later, Exelus had just finished a contract in an outer system when they picked up a distress beacon was being transmitted. A small freighter was beset by pirates and the crew was not able to escape due to a damage quantum drive. The nearest Advocacy ship was hours away so the Exelus vessel, the LongShadow immediately responded and jumped to the coordinates of the distress beacon. The crew of the LongShadow was immediately met by five light to medium pirate vessels attempting to disable and board the freighter. The LongShadow launched a strafing run of the pirate vessels destroying one and damaging another, but the pirates were not going down with a fight. Delaying the boarding of the freighter, the pirates turned their attention to the Exelus vessel. The space around the freighter became a dazzling display of ballistic tracers, laser projectiles, shields becoming damaged, and strewn bits and pieces of superheated ship parts. The pirates managed to knock out of the main thrusters on the LongShadow, but the Exelus crew kept fighting. As the engineers battled internal fires and repairs to both the thrusters and shields, the LongShadow was able to find the space to get behind the main pirate vessel and destroy it. The two remaining light pirate fighters immediately jumped out of the engagement as soon as they saw the explosion. The freighter was listing but the crew was mostly in one piece. The Exelus crew were still repairing their ship when the radar announced two blips sounding the alarm to battle stations. As they headed towards the unidentified blips, a transmission was received and verified. The Advocacy had finally arrived. Two years later, the Exelus Corporation was officially recognized by the UEE for the work accomplished within its systems. This official recognition provided Exelus additional opportunities. The Exelus Corporation was now receiving contracts among larger corporations employing Exelus’ expertise for trade escort, security, and defense of key infrastructure. The recognition also allowed Exelus to apply for licenses and rights to work officially for the UEE and its affiliated worlds such as provisional rights to train smaller government security forces as well as run security ops.
Although no one knows the true size and strength of its forces, Exelus had amassed a small fortune through their savvy business practices and smart investments by the 2910s while intentionally remaining a smaller entity due to their desire to help people while still maintaining close-knit relationships with their employees. The Exelus Prime at the time once said “a small company can get more done than a giant corporation when it comes to helping those less fortunate or just starting their adventure in the ‘verse”. Despite an ever-expanding client base, Exelus never forgot the support of those who helped them get started after the “awakening” many years ago and continued to focus on more “honorable” contracts. During these years of prosperity, the management of Exelus decided it was time to embark on the most radical change of their forty-year history; refocusing their business model from private security to a more wide-ranging, freelance company. Exelus continued to maintain its high moral standards and only takes jobs that are in line with the standards set forth at their “awakening.” They focused on helping those who need it, protecting those who are set upon by others, and bringing those violating the rules and regulations of the UEE to justice. The Exelus Corporation will still do private security on the side, however, it is focus will be to follow their moral compass.
Exelus (created Feb 1996) is a PVE/RP/PVP Raiding and Event oriented organization in every game that we are a part of. We do not label ourselves casual or hardcore because we do not fit within either guideline and feel we are beyond such labels. Basically, we are a group of people that have prior commitments in our lives and cannot adhere to a strict raiding or event schedule but still wish to experience end game content as well as events with the help and participation of our members. Both our raiding and event schedules allow for greater flexibility of those who work and attend school full time while still allowing us to progress in the game.
Our average age range is approx 25 – 45 with a few above and below that range. We are a mature content organization and we do not recommend that those under 18 apply. This is not to say that we do not make exceptions to that rule but above all we look at maturity and the ability to work as a team. We take no responsibility for the loss of internet or computer privileges due to things your Guardians might see or hear.
We are not a guild, we are a family. This family is composed of like-minded people from around the planet with different skin tones, accents, belief systems, and upbringings. Despite that, we come together over VoIP, Video Games, and a common desire to have fun and surpass all of that.
We do not recruit characters, avatars, toons, or users. We recruit People! Living, breathing people with husbands, wives, kids, significant others and lives. We are not looking for the glory hounds of the internet, we do not feel the need to prove anything to anyone with “phat loots” and bosses killed, it is not our style. We seek Honor, Integrity, and Truth.
As members of Exelus, we are honored that you took the time to learn about us, and we look forward to seeing you in-game.
Exelus has no intention of micromanaging our members, and we want each and every person to be able to log in and enjoy themselves, so you will find our rules to be straightforward and simple.
Exelus Prime is the overall authority of the Organization. The Prime, with the aid of the Consul, handles all political dealings, treaties, alliances, matters of war, and Organization policy. It is up to the Prime as to how the execution of these duties will be carried out and by whom.
Exelus Consul is there to assist the Prime in the execution of his duties. The Prime nominates the Consul, and the Consul may perform what duties the Prime delegates, and may serve for as long as the Prime desires. The Consul would assume all duties of D’vali Prime should the Prime not be able to.
Exelus Executors are appointed as Officers of the Organization. Executors are chosen by the Prime and Consul to perform officer duties for the overall Organization and are therefore also granted the rank of officer in any Timeline they are active in.
Exelus Justicar are full members who have proven their loyalty and Honor in Exelus. Justicar will make up the bulk of Exelus.
Exelus Attendants are probationary members of Exelus. We do not know when someone joins what their intentions are, and thus they are Attendants. They undergo a series of trials and rigorous training in order to prove their worth and loyalty to the Organization. The probationary process is designed to separate the strong from the weak and ensure that we retain only the very best in our ranks and those that are willing to work cooperatively with other Organization members to a common goal.
Leadership can take action to discipline, demote or remove any member who conducts him/herself in an improper way. Examples of Improper conduct may be, but are not limited to, slandering the Organization publicly, inciting internal strife within the Organization, insubordination, or tarnishing the Organization’s image/name.
Removal – Involuntary
Any member that is removed from the Organization via a disciplinary action may be forever barred from returning to Exelus. Such persons will not have site, forum, or VoIP access and will not be invited to official Organization activities.
Exelus puts a lot of stock in the fact that our members have lives. We do not, nor shall we ever, expect you to put the Organization ahead of your non-gaming life.
We do ask of our members that if you are going to be absent for more than 30 days that you notify us within this thread.
Exelus advertises itself as an “Active Guild” which in essence means that people expect to have others on when they are able to play games. We devised a 30 day “Inactivity Policy” which states that any member who has not logged in to an active timeline game for 30 days or more will be removed from the roster in that game but remain a member insomuch as the Organization is concerned. If that member returns they are welcome to rejoin us provided the time they have been away has not been longer than stated below. The only exception to this is in the case that a member notifies us in the appropriate thread that they will be gone for an extended period of time.
Any member of Exelus that has failed to log into discord for more than 90 days (3 months) will be removed from the organization. Because of the volatile nature of video games, we do this to ensure that our membership roster stays current. This will be a zero-tolerance policy. The only exception to this is in the case that a member notifies us in the appropriate thread that they will be gone for an extended period of time.
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