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Fractured Nebula / FNEB

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Community, Trust, And Friendship are the things I value most. My aim is to create a community of people who love this game that all enjoy playing and working towards goals together.


We have no history yet but we sure as hell plan to make some.


Fractured Nebula is a group all about community I want it to stay small enough that all the members are intimately acquainted with one another but grow large enough that we can set long term and sizable goals to accomplish once star citizen releases we can explore, do industry, combat, racing, anything and everything throughout the stars alone or together this group isn’t aimed at becoming some big superpower or anything of the sort but rather it’s to give people a place to call home filled with people who have each others backs.



The most important thing to abide by is never break another members trust

Second is avoid drama but if it comes down to it we must do our best to work through it and compromise.

Third Your time is your own spend it out how you choose we are here to have fun and work together not to feel pressure to play a certain way or with certain people be honest with your feelings and your desires and respect the feelings, desires, and time constraints of others.

And Lastly Any member that causes major problems, causes problems on a regular basis, or disrespects the rules above will likely be removed.

Decisions and goals will be decided democratically in most situations.