A fool believes they are wise, but the wise know they are a fool. Be the fool, for nothing is FOOLproof.
Thanks to advances in fool technology, the latest fool versions are overwhelming previously foolproof things. We rejoice in this, and celebrate our ascension as others seek our stamp of approval… Our Proof of Foolness.
(FOOLproof, in short, by decree)
Consider the base of wisdom, that heartfelt acknowledgement that what we know of the universe… even reality itself… leaves much to be desired.
We are truly fools, if we think we know the details beyond our brief mass experiences.
We truly know only that which we see and experience directly.
For the rest, we rely on others to tell us what they know or believe. And sadly, much of that is a repeated story of questionable truth.
Most others have seen fewer things directly, than they claim to actually know.
We actually count most of what we know, wholly based on what we have been told.
Even with a machine’s perfect recall, retelling a story over many years can often lead to mutations of the understanding.
We take these mutations of understanding, and claim they were never meant to be taken directly as a literal thing, but as a metaphor of understanding a greater truth. One which is somehow beyond our grasp to explain any better than a parable, or purposely fictionalized examples where the truth may be seen as a pattern of behavior twisted by the wheels of circumstance.
And then, in a truly understandable lack of understanding, we nod our heads. We say it makes perfect sense.
At this point, many would then point at their digital watches, and announce the distinct and pressing need to be almost anywhere else.
And quickly.
Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.
Regarding our staff here:
staff, in the context of people forming a work group, is plural by default context. It is equivalent to saying they, just with slightly more context
Staves was originally the plural of the term staff, in the context of a wood or iron pole. It grew into accepted use also as stave, which was the same intended meaning as staff. Just goes to show you what happens when someone isn’t explained the plural form was more than simply adding an ‘s’ onto the back end of a word.
OH, you wanted to know about the people…. you should have just said so, then!
Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.
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