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General Solar / GENSOL

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

GenSol – New Trade Frontiers

General Solar uses the latest black-space thinking to bring you the Verse – one system at a time.

All employees are expected to explore without fear, trade without prejudice, and act with total conviction.

If you want to see the Verse, apply today!


Mr Ashikaga will bring you an announcement soon.


“What are the stars exactly? They are opportunity, they are possibility, they will build our future” — Mr Ashikaga, CEO and Founder of GenSol

Mr Ashikaga and his Team will be unveiling our latest visions shortly.


Our Officers
  • Everyone is considered for Employment – We welcome all ex-pirates, vagabonds and aliens willing to earn creds.
  • Peddlers are expected to espouse the values and principles of GenSol, and begin trading, spreading our influence across the Verse.
  • Pioneers, Vendors or Frontiersmen are the ambassadors of the Company, bringing Mr Ashikaga’s vision of free and fair trade to all.
  • Merchants are Senior Managers and Directors make the crucial decisions in of all our departments.
  • The Brokers deal with the day to day running of GenSol and manage the divisions on behalf of Mr Ashikaga.
  • Mr Ashikaga is the CEO and Visionary Founder of GenSol and takes a keen interest in making his boyhood dream of ‘prosperous bazaars spanning the galaxy’ a reality.
  • Wherever GenSol takes you — prove yourself and you will be rewarded.

  • Corporate Operations – Cha’ka Laguna
  • Fleets & Logististics – Hud Muldoon
  • Research and Development – Dr Radoswav Louz
  • Exploration – Econobob

Company Rules
  • All agents must be open to trade with anyone willing.
  • We need to set up a bank, the higher the pay, the higher the percentage that needs to be saved:
    — 10% of sales for small sales.
    — 20% of sales for mid sales.
    — 30% of sales for larger sales.
  • 10% of all sales go into an Emergency account.
  • Zero tolerance on slavery.
  • Equipment and weaponry must be maintained at all times.
  • Maintain the core GenSol principles — (see Manifesto).