Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


The Free Trade Imperium / GLY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Resources

We’re Honest Freedom Loving Citizens…
Until The Government Tells You, You Can’t Have It, Then We’ll Smuggle It To You


After spending our time as the war dogs for the UEE, we came out as “free men” While we may have been awarded our citizenship, we weren’t in fact free. Rules, regulations, and laws bound our hands at every turn, leaving us destitute. Some of these laws may have been just, but most felt like bureaucratic garbage.

My partner and I decided enough was enough. We took a few shady deals, bent a few rules and finally saved up enough money for a ship. We took up smuggling, a box here, a gun there, no questions asked. Before we knew it we were able to afford a decent smuggling ship, and a prospector. Boy did everything change after that.

Back in my schooling days before joining the cause for the UEE I majored in geology and mining, I took my prospector while my partner took our smuggler and we broke into the Kayfa system. We have never struggled since.

We invite all the proud men and women out there to join our band of rouges, let freedom guide you.


Who Are We?
We are a freedom loving organization and hold true to Freedom of Speech, Religion, Etc. If its in the Bill of Rights we follow it.

Have our members become prosperous and have fun playing the game with like minded individuals.

What we offer
A large fleet of ships to gain experience with pre-launch as well as a fun-loving organization to crew for you.
We have the main focus on Exploration and Resource gathering, however built around having in house solutions for any path you might take.
We have divisions for Resource procurement, Trading, Smuggling, Exploration, and combat. If you want to do it we have a place for you!!

Affiliates welcome!
We have no membership requirement to join.

A fleet based Constitutional Republic with maximum upward mobility for any of our full members. Would you like to know more?


We guarantee the following freedoms and rights:

  • You have the right to keep and bear arms.

  • You have the right to be prosperous.

  • You have the freedom of speech and religion.

If you attempt to remove, any of these freedom’s from another, then you are in violation to our rules

Exceptions to these rules:

  • Inciting violence

  • Legitimate threats of violence IRL

  • No Doxing of anyone

We follow capitalistic ideals, as such we will not entertain socialism or communism. We believe they are the farthest from freedom.