Supply or Die

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Intergalactic Space Convocation / INGLSPCECO

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Security


Is your organization looking to partake in the Intergalactic Space Convocation? Join the discord listed above and speak with a Chancellor!

“Per virtutem Fidelitatis” – Intergalactic Space Convocation”


Who we are

The Intergalactic Space Convocation’s purpose is to act as a Council group for UEE aligned/Anti-Piracy organizations to coordinate together for mutual goals. And to create a commonplace of communication for those who operate within the UEE.

❖ The goals are to help each other when needed. We will all democratically vote on any motions brought to Councilors of all orgs. These motions could be absolutely anything. From any Org.

❖ We may help each other in-game when certain kinds of assistance are needed or specialties are required.

❖ We are not allied together however we all may have the same goals that can be accomplished together.

❖ The idea is that it’s meant to allow Organizations that are not over-inflated to be able to band together to deal with threats or objectives that would be too large for a single org to deal with. A colony, a Bengal, large fleet, mining, salvage or other operations, you name it.

❖ No Organization sits higher than the others. It is entirely a council that operates and assembles together,.



One of the Intergalactic Space Convocations programs is an Ambassadorship. Upon becoming Ambassadors for your organization, you are allotted one Head Ambassador and up to nine Ambassadors to represent your organization.

Some advantages of joining the Ambassadorship program are, but not limited to:

❖ Ability to weigh in on Council subjects and motions, but you do not hold any votes.
❖ Your organization will be permitted to advertise any services that you sell, such as vessels, security, transportation, etc…
❖ Your organization will be permitted to advertise your organizations events as long as it does not pertain to piracy.
❖ Your organization will have a way of networking with other organizations to tighten relations between yours orgs.



One of the Intergalactic Space Convocations other programs is the Council. If your organizations chooses to take a seat in the Council, your organization has higher representation in the Intergalactic Space Convocation. Upon taking a seat on the council you are allotted one Master Councilor, up to four Councilors, one Head Ambassador and up to nine Ambassadors to represent your organization.

Some advantages of taking a seat on the Council are, but not limited to:

❖ Ability to weigh in on Council subjects and motions.
❖ Ability to motion anything to the Council.
❖ Authority granted to vote on any and all motions brought forward to the Council.
❖ Along with all advantages that the Ambassadorship program has.




Each ORG remains fully independent and maintains their own members, leadership, laws and resources. The ISC may have no members of its own, and is not an ORG. Admittance to and expulsion from the ISC is by Council vote.


ISC ORGs will afford all reasonable and practical assistance towards each other when requested, and allow no hostile actions from their members towards another ISC ORG.


All Council decisions will be made by an open vote at regular Council meetings. Each ISC ORG’s vote will carry the same weight. Council decisions may not override the principles of autonomy, mutual assistance or non-hostility. The ISC may not go to war or agree any alliance in its own name. It may not force any member organisation to go to war or sue for peace with any internal or external org.


All ISC members will be law-abiding and respect UEE authority whenever possible. ISC members will not tolerate pirates. ISC members will promote goodwill towards the outside world.


H2. How to join the ISC and its government.

The governance of the ISC is based on the orgs that make it up; fully committed orgs are council organizations; each org on the council gets a singular vote when making decisions. Orgs can also opt to be not in the council but observing to see if the ISC is a good fit for them.

If your org wants to join the ISC, it must abide by the manifesto and the following requirements:

  1. Have at least 20 members in your org that aren’t members of other orgs.
  2. No piracy, crimes or griefing is allowed within your ranks.

When you join, you first go through a four week trial in which the orgs already in the ISC can see your performance and get a feeling for what your team is about. At the next council meeting it will be decided via vote from all already-participating orgs if they see you as a benefit to the whole group.

The ISC is made up of the following organizations:

Council Organizations

Art Official Intelligence

Arvid Protectorate Navy

Deep Space Crew

Fleet of the Faithful Knights

Jump Accord

Kolonial Marine Service

Oberon Interstellar Trading Company

Quantum Jump Medical

The Art of Warfare


Ambassador Orgs

Carrier Strike Group 3

Hand of Tyr Flotilla

Rising Stars Mutual Aid Network
