Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition / INQUIS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Innocentia probat nihil


The Holy Orders of the Emperor’s Inquisition, more commonly known as the Inquisition, are the powerful secret police of the Imperium responsible for guarding the souls of humanity. The purpose of the Inquisition is to identify and destroy the myriad of potential threats to the Imperium and humanity. Such is the Inquisition’s power that it answers only to the Emperor.


The Inquisition is an organisation revolving around hunting xenos and heretics, while keeping the Throne of Terra and imperial citizens safe and secure from galactic threats. We will scour the stars to the end of the universe to assert the dominance of humanity and our right to rule above all other species.


Investigate/Hunt heretics, pirates and hostile xenos groups or individuals.

Defend local Imperial aligned worlds/space stations and holdings.

Aid any civilian under destress where possible.

Work along side other allied forces against the likes of XenoThreat and other hostile groups and organisations.

Salvage any weapons and tech possible via legal means, including looting the dead of enemies.

Salvage operations after battles to help ensure space is as debris free as possible and to secure any contraband for containment and disposal.

Hunting of high value bounty targets.
Bodyguard friendly high value Imperial aligned individuals.

Put a halt to illegal operations within the verse (confiscating contraband, apprehending criminals etc)



Our role within Star Citizen will be as combat, investigation and espionage specialists. As inquisitors it will be our jobs to root out heresy and corruption within the verse, our skills and playstyle will reflect that.

We will be utilising boarding actions on capital ships in order to take the bridge and end battles as quickly as possible when it comes to larger space battles.

Through means of interdiction, we periodically stop and search ships for contraband while patrolling dangerous space routes used for smuggling.

Red means dead, operatives are expected to fire upon any non friendly pilots/targets on sight in aims of keeping imperial space secure.

Keeping order and stability within the verse via providing services to local law enforcement while also working as a peacekeeping force.

Assassination of high value heretics and organisation leadership in an effort to destabilise hostile forces.

Ensure the security of planets and space stations from hostile forces.