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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Welcome to INTREX Corp.
Intelligence, Trade, and Exploration.

About INTREX Corp. :
INTREX is a multi-faceted corporation dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through the exploration of strange new planets, then taking that knowledge to better the Galaxy.


INTREX – Building a better Galaxy.

INTREX was formed in 2940 by the merging of three previously separate entities:

Odyssey Sciences Corp., a leader in extra-solar biology and geography,
Mauser Exploratory Services Co., a premier surveying and mapping contractor, and
PANZER STERNE-KÄMPFER GmbH., experts in security and route clearance.

Together, these three formerly autonomous businesses now pave the way through the galaxy in their quest for scientific knowledge and work for the betterment of Human society.

Join INTREX today and make a difference for fellow Mankind.

Visit our new website at: for more information.


INTREX Corp. seeks to explore and catalog strange new worlds and their related flora and fauna, as well as geographic anomalies and resources, then take this information and goods to established markets.


HR Policy 10.2:
All employees will: Be 18 Earth years or older. Agree to the use of voice communications and will abide by voice communication policies and procedures. Agree to share and earn profits from corporate-sanctioned ventures as dictated by their employee level. Be entitled to full profits for work performed outside of INTREX Corp. Will conduct themselves in a manner that will not bring a bad name or reputation to INTREX Corp. Understand that INTREX Corp. is comprised of people of many Ages, Races, and Credos, and will conduct themselves properly in a diverse environment.