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  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

“I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”

INVICTUS was created on the ideals of promoting the scientific exploration of space through the discovery of new worlds, support of research and education in the physical, natural and biological study within the Final Frontier.


Where it all began

INVICTUS was created with a simple and honest principle; discover the unknown. At the time of it’s creation INVICTUS was the only functioning Commercial Exploration company, in part because of it’s rigorous hiring practises & protocols, but a large portion of the success INVICTUS has seen is because of the well trained and experienced founders of the company.

INVICTUS was founded after the Second Tevarin War, many bitter UEE marines and now out of work scientists wanted a quieter life. The once majestic and awe-inspiring blackness we call Space had become a mere home for which to wage more wars.

However this was not the interest of it’s founders: Brandyjack, Howlet & Pivot.

The vast and indifferent darkness, as it were called, supports untold adventures, and countless possibilities for the future. This is the principal foundations that INVICTUS was founded upon.

INVICTUS is also a founding member of the UBHC (United Bounty Hunter Coalition)


Why we are still here

INVICTUS holds satisfaction in the highest regard and because of this has a near flawless history over the 8 years it has been up and running. INVICTUS runs on the unwavering and limitless dedication of it’s Commanding Officers;




Apparently born on the planet KOI 736.01, now more commonly known now as Erebus, Brandyjack grew up amongst the streets and back alleys of the planets most ruthless ghettos. He eventually immigrated to Terra within the Terra System and began working for the UEE, showcasing his adept skill for computer interfaces and electronic devices, however when war came he was quickly transferred to the active duty.

During the Second Tevarin War Brandyjack flew ships to battle, surviving dozens of extremely important battles (or so he says), but as the war closed Brandyjack saw no future within the UEE Military and decided to take his earnings from local work and invest them into a Freelancer. Over the years of hauling cargo had payed off Brandyjack desired a quiet life, one full of scientific method and understanding and so he established INVICTUS a small independent shipping service in order to support his love of exploration.

Soon, with enough capitol to invest in larger ships the goal of exploration was close at hand…

As of this year INVICTUS has opened its door to accept application in order to expand business.



A onetime professor of bio-integrated alloys and inventor of several of the break through modifications in tactical arms, Professor James Howlet has made landmark discoveries for the UEE technological research division.

Shortly after the mysterious murder of his wife, Miriam Howlet and son, Oliver, Professor Howlet renounced academic inquiry. In a press release, UEE attributed Howlet’s professional termination to trauma and “mental instability leading to violent tendencies”.

In pursuit of what he describes as his true calling, Howlet now works with the private organization INVICTUS. “Working for the INVICTUS Agency of Exploration and Shipping, I have found peace in what I do even if at times what we do isn’t very peaceful.”



Trained at the UEE Academy of Practical Law enforcement, Pivot served most of his working years patrolling the platinum colonies of Fanet IV of the Fanetia system.

During his 10 years of service, Pivot received numerous accommodations for bravery and tactical performance, as well as several promotions; eventually to attain the rank of Senior Officer in his precinct.

Soon after being appointed as Senior Officer, Pivot received an invitation for enlistment in INVICTUS, a privately owned exploration and trading organization as security.

Welcoming a change of pace, Pivot peacefully resigned from the UEE Academy in order to pursue this new opportunity.


Our Code of Conduct

While the ideals that support exploration seem limitless the reality is that commerce is a crucial part of maintaining our vessels, staff and facilities. Therefore trading, mining and general commerce has become a necessity. For this reason each memeber of the organization is required to “pull their weight” so to speak.

INVICTUS as a organization offers many opportunities including promoting from within, in house training, bonuses and other benefits.

INVICTUS company policies and procedures:

We’re looking for experienced, motivated, seasoned pilots who are willing to take responsibility for their actions and make the tough decisions; IF YOU THINK THAT’S YOU THEN SEND US YOUR APPLICATION