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Kell Hounds / KELL

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  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We are the Vanguard


The Kell Hounds are one of the most celebrated mercenary units in the Inner Sphere. Founded by the legendary MechWarrior Morgan Kell and his brother Patrick, the Kell Hounds have played pivotal roles in the history of the Successor States, from the Succession Wars to the Clan Invasion.

The Kell Hounds were born even before Morgan and Patrick had thoughts of running their own mercenary command. Arthur Luvon, future husband of Lyran Archon Katrina Steiner and Morgan and Patrick’s cousin, dubbed the two brothers the Kell Hounds after witnessing them as young boys running around and terrorizing a neighbor’s flock of sheep. Arthur drew up the Kell Hounds’ crest and predicted that the two would grow up to become great MechWarriors. When Arthur died, Morgan and Patrick used the money left to them to form the Kell Hounds mercenary unit which they created in 3010. Though initially mocked as rich boys playing mercenary, the two made quite the impression with their surprisingly advanced grasp of strategy and tactics, as well as a top-notch technical support staff.



Kell Hounds Constitution

Concerning the Rules and Regulations of behavior inside of the Kell Hounds.

Article V

Section I. The structure of The Kell Hounds Conduct shall herein be stated and defined.

Section II. All Hounds are bound to the code of conduct that shall be implemented.

Section III. Each Hound is to give respect to his fellow Hounds, and members of the higher ranks and Command Staff.

Section IV. Each Hound is to show professionalism when being viewed from those outside of the Unit.

Section V. The purpose of The Kell Hounds is for members who conglomerate to enjoy the games in which they play. Childish and/or immature actions that spark dramatization will not be tolerated.

Section VI. The reprimand that is to be given for breaking the codes of conduct will be done on a Hound to Hound basis, and decided on by the Command Staff.


Kell Hounds Constitution

This document is to ensure the order and structure of the organization known as “The Kell Hounds”. In order to continue the tradition of Honor, Loyalty, Humility, and Respect we hereby declare this document as law in this Unit. Here we shall set the foundation of our unit so that Commanding Officer, Command Staff, and Kell Hounds shall abide. We hereby declare the autonomy of our Unit from the vestiges of any league or parent game, and give this constitution its power by those of the willing who recognize its fundamental nature.

Article I

Section I. The structure of the Kell Hounds Command Staff and Auxiliary Staff shall herein be stated and defined.

Section II. The Command Staff powers include that of the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Division Commanders, Loremaster, and Oathmaster. No other outside of these shall hold the power of the Command Staff, and the Commanding Officer and Staff shall decide all policy decisions affecting the course, integrity, and security, of the unit.

Section III. Upon an emergency that calls for the expertise of different occupations, the Command Officer may grant all rights of the Command Staff upon the Auxiliary Staff. Once the emergency has concluded the Command Staff is to be returned to the default size of Commanding Officer, Executive Officers, Division Officers, Loremaster, and Oathmaster.

Section IV. The Commanding Officer of The Kell Hounds is granted the power over the entirety of the Command Staff and Hound Ranks below. The decision of the Commanding Officer, The “Khan’s Prerogative”, shall be final and non-withstanding by any in the Command Staff or below. The duties of the Commanding Officer are to ensure the administrative, integrity, and judiciary actions of the Unit are in place. All tribunals, actions, and decisions of the Unit or Command Staff shall be decreed by the Commanding Officer for them to be accomplished.

Section V. The Executive Officer of The Kell Hounds is granted the power to help the Commanding Officer and Command Staff administer the decisions among the Unit. The Executive Officer is second only to the Commanding Officer, and in case of the Commanding Officer’s absence the Executive Officer shall assume the authority and mantle of the Commanding Officer until his return. The Executive Officer’s main element of focus is that of diplomatic and judiciary facet of the Unit. The Executive Officer is the foremost diplomat of the Unit.

Section VI. The Loremaster of The Kell Hounds is granted the power of the tradition, wisdom, and history of the Unit. The Loremaster is to be in attendance to every trial for positions inside the Unit, and shall be the principle keeper of the history and lore of the Unit.

Section VII. The Oathmaster of The Kell Hounds is granted the power of organization and records of the Unit. The Oathmaster’s duty is to keep the functioning organization of the Unit operational by ensuring the Constitution is followed; this includes the Trials, Blood Houses, and News. The Oathmaster shall be the other principle trial master, and must be in attendance to all trials.

Section VIII. The ranks of Oathmaster and Loremaster are also privy to the privileges of Division Commanders and may be simultaneously held by any rank lower than the Executive Officer.

Section IX. In the absence of both Commanding Officer and Executive Officer, the Oathmaster and Loremaster will assume the de facto mantle of Commanding Officer and Executive Officer respectively until the return of the original leadership.

Section X. The Command Staff will convene for councils once every month to discuss the current state of affairs in the Unit. The Command Staff must be in attendance, and may invite different members or non-members for discussion within the council. They will not be allowed a vote in the decision making process, and only those of the Command Staff will be allotted one vote each. In the case of a tie, the Commanding Officer makes the final decision.

Section XI. Where as, if a member of the Command Staff is to step down, or be relieved of his position, the remaining Command Staff will decide upon a suitable Hound who has exemplified the virtues of the Unit.

Section XII. The Auxiliary Staff will consist of the BloodHouse Leaders, Coyote Ancients, and Packmasters. The Auxiliary Staff is an independent body associated not with the chain of command, and encompasses prestigious titles in the Unit. Each title is complementary to the rank that all of the Auxiliary Staff acquire. Their role is to help the Command Staff indirectly though each of their own specialties and devices.

Section XIII. The Coyote Ancient is a title that is granted to the founding members of The Kell Hounds. The title bears considerable weight, and must be shown respect because of the nature it implies. Each Coyote Ancient was at the very beginning of the Unit, and has persevered through the rough time of the founding.

Section XIV. The Kell Hound Packmaster(s) is a title granted with the powers of recruitment and internal security. Their duty is that of recruitment into the Unit and the integrating of newer members. In the course of The Kell Hounds, betrayal has been very real, and thus the title is given to those who have shown that they are loyal, trustworthy, and uphold the values of the Unit. They are selected by the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer only.

Section XV. The Kell Hound BloodHouse Leader is a title granted to the founder and original keeper of his/her Bloodname. [See Article III, Section VI]

Article II

Section I. The structure of the The Kell Hounds Divisions and ranks shall herein be stated and defined.

Section II. Divisions are the individual commands imbedded inside the whole of The Kell Hounds. The separate Divisions have their own distinct identity, sub-commands, organization, and game. Divisions are controlled and maintained by a single Division Commander and Division Executive Officer that oversee the Hounds in the Division. Each Division Commander inherits the history and tradition that each Division has garnered.

Section III. The Commanding Officer and Command Staff form new Divisions upon the need and number of members that enter the Unit. In the case of a new Division, the founding Commander is given the right to christen it with a surname, identity, and emblem. The founding Commander also selects out of the Hounds who join him in the Division, a Division Executive Officer to be approved by the Commanding Officer and Command Staff.

Section IV. With the advent of a new game there will be changes made to the structure of the Unit. Each Division will be set up following the same guidelines and rules that Divisions are held to. For the separate game the Command Staff, for structure, will create a Divisions in that specific game. Each of these Divisions will be under the command of a Commander in that game. The admittance into these Divisions holds to the same rules as stated in the above sections. The membership into these Divisions does not affect the membership in others, and are only for structure purposes in that game.

Section V. The Division Commanders of The Kell Hounds are granted the powers of organization, leadership, and judicial discretion inside their own Division. Division Commanders are the enlisted officers that work closely with the Hounds in whichever game that Division is mainly a part of. The Division Commander is to be promoted through the decision of the Commanding Officer and Command Staff, and consent of the Division.

Section VI. The Division Executive Officers of The Kell Hounds are granted the powers of supporting the Division Commander, and recording the history and events of the Division. The Division Executive Officer’s main component to the Division is to help the Hounds therein to find enjoyment in the Unit and Division. The promotion of Division Executive Officers must be done by a request from the Division Commander to the Commanding Officer and Command Staff.

Section VII. The Hounds of the Unit are granted the most immutable powers of all. The Hound is the heart, body, and soul of the unit and makes up the vast majority of its constituency. As such it is the Hound’s duty to uphold the Unit’s tradition and to strive for enjoyment, and possible promotion within the unit.

Section VIII. Demotions within The Kell Hounds are handed only on severe cases handled by the Commanding Officer and Command Staff. Any member of the Clan may file a report for the demotion of any officer, and the Commanding Officer and Command Staff will review the report unto its completion. The severity of the action defines the level of demotion if the officer is found to be guilty. The Commanding Officer and Command Staff will be open to each side of the narrative when the appropriate time arises.

Article III

Section I. The admission of external Companies shall herein be stated and defined.

Section II. A “Company” is defined as the following: A group of players with previously autonomous background and founding outside of the Kell Hounds Gaming Community.

Section III. The admission of a Company of players shall be granted by the majority decision of the Command Staff. In the case of a tie, the Commanding Officer shall have the final vote.

Section IV. The Company of players may create a unique division or join an existing division inside the Unit [See Article II].

Section V. The Commander and his/her Executive Officer of the Company shall be given the titular title of Division Commander and Division Executive Officer respectively [See Article II, Section V].

Article IV

Section I. The structure of The Kell Hounds BloodHouses shall herein be stated and defined.

Section II. Bloodhouses are separate entities of groups within The Kell Hounds free of the chain-of-command. They hold within them the original eight Coyote BloodHouses; Jerricho, Koga, Nash, Steele, Tchernovkov, Tamzarian, Kufahl, Rezak, and Steele. The title of a Bloodname is not a rank, but a title granted to them by their admittance into the BloodHouse. Each has its own unique history and traits that are unique to that specific Bloodname. Upon acceptance and completion of the trial into a BloodHouse, the player may than adorn himself with the specified Bloodname. A Trial procedure must be done to gain a Bloodname.

Section III. The requirements for a Bloodname are as follows:

A. Minimum Time: 6 Months.

B. Required Hound RP Character.

C. Required Hound Specific Vision Quest/Hunt RP.

Section IV. The procedure to gain a Bloodname is as follows:

A. Request sponsorship from Bloodhouse Leader.

B. Game Specific Trials (See Individual Game Trials).

C. Formal BloodHouse Induction.

Section V. The rules set for each BloodHouse are uniform, and all BloodHouses must abide. Every BloodHouse must only have one BloodHouse Leader and three Bloodnamed in each House. The membership in Bloodhouse is permanent. Only by unanimous vote of all eight BloodHouse Leaders during a Blood Council can the removal a Bloodname be initiated. The removal of BloodHouse Leader must be done by unanimous vote of subordinate members of the BloodHouse and Commanding Officer’s approval.

Section VI. The BloodHouse Leaders of The Kell Hounds are granted the powers of lore and sponsorship inside their own BloodHouses. It is the duty of the BloodHouse Leaders to record and keep sacred the lore that each BloodHouse has been bestowed. Each BloodHouse Leader is to be given one vote in the Blood Council.

Section VII. The BloodCouncil involves all eight BloodHouse leaders, and shall meet only when called upon to decree the removal of a Bloodname from a Hound. All eight BloodHouse Leaders must be in attendance or accounted for, and in the case of a tie the Commanding Officer shall give the decision.

Article V.

Section I. The structure of The Kell Hounds Conduct shall herein be stated and defined.

Section II. All Hounds are bound to the code of conduct that shall be implemented.

Section III. Each Hound is to give respect to his fellow Hounds, and members of the higher ranks and Command Staff.

Section IV. Each Hound is to show professionalism when being viewed from those outside of the Unit.

Section V. The purpose of The Kell Hounds is for members who conglomerate to enjoy the games in which they play. Childish and/or immature actions that spark dramatization will not be tolerated.

Section VI. The reprimand that is to be given for breaking the codes of conduct will be done on a Hound to Hound basis, and decided on by the Command Staff.

Article VI.

Section I. The process unto changing and putting additions unto the Constitution shall be herein be stated and defined.

Section II. Only by the unanimous vote of the default Command Staff; Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Loremaster, and Oathmaster, shall be able to amend the Original Constitution.

Section III. When the Command Staff as a whole decides that the time has come to embark upon a new game that the majority of the Unit will play, a new article shall be commissioned to set forth the guidelines of that game.

Article VI.

Section I. The Kell Hounds Division for Netbattletech: Hardcore League shall herein be stated and defined.

Section II. All Command Staff command positions within the Kell Hounds unit will remain the same. The ranking system shall remain the same, and in the Kell Hounds Divisions the top six ranks will hold the same power as those in the Hounds.

Section III. The Kell Hounds will abide by all of the laws set forth in the The Kell Hounds Constitution.

Article VIII.

Section I. The Kell Hounds Division for Mechwarrior: Online shall herein be stated and defined.

Section II. The position of Division Commander shall reside in the Hound: Jolly Roger.

Section III. The position of Division Executive Officer shall reside in the Hound: .

Section IV. The Division shall have the power of organization for all hounds in the game Mechwarrior: Online.

Section IV. The Kell Hounds will abide by all of the laws set forth in the The Kell Hounds Constitution.

Article IX

Section I. The ratification of this Constitution shall hold it to be law over The Kell Hounds. The unanimous vote of the original founders shall make it so.


Shadowwolf Jerricho
Scion Koga
Dale Kufahl
Kelvinator Tamzarian
Heerowolf Nash