Supply or Die

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Brotherhood of Khen / KHEN

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Smuggling

The Brotherhood of Khen was founded in 2920 as a response to the economical struggle in the UEE. The founder, Khen T’loran, wanted to overthrow the current empire and create his own.

Now is the time to rise! Fight for the Brotherhood!



Year 2920 – The Khen Resistance
The economy was drained by Project Archangel (SynthWorld). Riots broke out on the streets and people demanded change. Fortunately, Khen T’loran decided to become the voice of the people as he proposed change by declaring civil war upon the United Earth Empire. Some of these propositions included sabotage, altering news-flow, and influencing politics. Many thought ill of his words, but some saw the greater potential. The Khen Resistance was founded and grew larger in numbers by each day.

“In ancient times, one man was to rule the land.
But power has a malignant tendency to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And so, as a modern society, we need a modern government.
We deserve to each be treated with respect and dignity.
We demand a council!
If you wish to free yourself from this antiquated dictatorship, you must join the Resistance.
Together, through a common desire for freedom and liberty, we shall build anew.
The continued failings of The Empire will not stop. It must be stopped!” —Khen T’loran

Year 2928 – Political Persuasion
Cheers turned to suspicion as politician Kelos Costigan appealed to emotional arguments and proposed that the economy could be mended. Khen attempted to convince people that the UEE would ultimately fail them again if they sought this path and that the political structure was the primary issue. Too many left the cause and turned to the ideology of Kelos, weakening the resistance group. “They are overcome with irrational notions of false hope. I implore you to be the voice of truth that shall guide them to reason and logic.”, Khen stated.

Year 2931 – The Brotherhood of Khen
Though the loss of members was significant, the resistance movement was still supported by various people of influence and Khen managed to assemble a conference with like-minded corporate leaders and politicians. The Council was formed and the movement was renamed The Brotherhood of Khen.

Year 2936 – Legacy
As the Council gathered annually, disagreements started to manifest.

Khen T’loran dies and many fight over the continued direction of the Brotherhood.
Evidence revealed that Harkim Zolan, former CEO of a mining company that has since gone bankrupt, hired an assassin that killed Khen.
Some thought that this would be the end of the Brotherhood, but an effort was made to honor the death of our deceased leader.
Not long after, two men attempted to rebuild the Brotherhood. But it was inaccurately concluded by the UEE to be “…a political structure of disorder that ultimately resulted in the death of their leader.”

If we are able to recover from this impediment is yet to be seen.

Current leaders of the Brotherhood:

  • Eli (X9854) — Former bio-chemical engineer at Exogen BioHeilar.
  • [REDACTED] — Former military strategic consultant at Oshura Military Technologies.


Year 2947
The Network is re-worked after suffering extensive data loss due to an unauthorized intrusion.
Though we are firm on keeping our most basic principles, the Brotherhood is seeking recruits to the Council in order to evolve and grow stronger.
Now is the time to rise and make your voice heard.

Together we can change the galaxy
Long live the Brotherhood!



Through unity, we can overthrow the United Earth Empire and bring order to the galaxy.
Humanity must prove itself strong if we seek victory in the wars to come.

Fight for a better future!

If this thought intrigues you, we welcome you to work as an independent Operative. The title of Operative grants you the opportunity of acting of great duty and to gain great reward.
Together we fight for honor, freedom and liberty.

Casual – Regular – Hardcore:
Your commitment is voluntary. Membership in the Brotherhood does not entail oppressive regulations.

Examples of member commitment:
  • Casual – May grant some business opportunities, but does not invoke excessive regulations onto the individual. Your actions are to the greatest extent considered your own, as are your defensive capabilities. You may not transcend the rank of Operative.
  • Regular – May grant additional business opportunities, but also requires one to abide by the full extent of the law. Hostile actions against members ranking higher than Operative is considered a hostile act upon the Brotherhood as a whole. You may not transcend the rank of Commander.
  • Hardcore – May grant opportunity to be part of the Council. This privilege is to be considered a great honor, but also demands great responsibility.

Brethren, oppose the United Earth Empire:
Our collective efforts will enlighten those who have been misled. We will spread words of truth across all UEE-governed space.

We must dare to stand up against the United Earth Empire.
We shall extend our superior philosophy. To combat the oblivious submission of the public and expose the callous intentions of the UEE.

Eventually, we will prevail.
Criminal activity is to be permitted to the extent that our laws may govern, but so might not always be the case.
Desperate times lay before us as our way of living is threatened by savage, ethically undeveloped cultures.

I am your Admiral. I welcome you to join in our fight for reason, honor and freedom. As our numbers grow, I am convinced that one day, my brother, we shall fight for the Khen Empire.



This list also serves as further clarification as to the context of our beliefs and will give an idea how the Council may react when these laws are broken and when they, in fact, are not.
All laws are subject to change as your opinion is of great value to us. Together we break the shackles of oppression!

If you have a dispute with another member, you are free to resolve the issue as you please.
You should, however, consult the Council and may have to suffer any consequences without their aid.

All members are to obey by these laws at all times:

Risking disclosure of sensitive information is a crime of treason.
You may not risk sensitive information to be captured by an individual not part of the Brotherhood. Suspicions of such actions must be reported to the Council immediately.

Theft from a Council member is a crime of treason.
You may never steal from a Council member. The disclaimer at the beginning of this Charter will further clarify the value of caution during disputes among members.

Reckless behavior or an attitude that is excessively counteractive to the cause is a crime.
As you represent the Brotherhood, you are to behave in a civil manner toward our allied forces.

Not disclosing information, as requested by the Council, is a crime.
You may be part of other organizations, but some may influence your ability to rise in ranks. Others you may be encouraged to join. You may also choose another organization as your primary. In case you are the owner of this organization, it will be a part of the Brotherhood and any valuable information must be disclosed at the request of the Council. This is first to be discussed between the founder and the Council.

Not submitting application of unethical base-research, when requested to, is a crime.
Ethical restraints are to be carefully considered if the theoretical reward bares more mass. In case of suspected stationary, unethical research, requests for short-time permits that will need to be renewed (and the progress evaluated) are to be submitted to the Council for approval. This is, however, only the case if the Council holds knowledge of such activity. A request may be made to submit this application by the Council.

Disrupting activities that create revenue for the Council is a crime.
The market shall be free. The supply is restricted only by the demand for a certain product or service. You are not to interfere with Council business (this includes members running operations for which the Council may benefit) as this may interrupt the market.

Therefore any action to cause war with another allied entity is a crime of treason.
Starting a war against like-minded entities will weaken both and cause our collective demise against the United Earth Empire. If we are to gain power to the point of being able to defeat our common enemy; we will not live to see the day of war against each other that proceeds the destruction of the UEE.

Dishonoring a ranking officer is a crime.
Brethren must not disregard orders from a higher ranking member. If said order is believed to violate the laws and regulations as stated above, contact the Council immediately.
