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LOFI Interstellar Conglomerate / LOFI

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The LOFI Interstellar Conglomerate assembles citizens for a collaborative and supportive experience.
Join the brave hearts which win our battles, the sharpest wits securing our credits, and curious minds mapping the Verse.

Your Journey Starts Here: (Join Our Discord)


LOFI Interstellar Conglomerate was founded in 2023 by like-minded members of an online community dedicated to helping each other.

Prior to the official establishment of the Conglomerate, members found each other during the 3.17 patch and found great success across a number of ventures. From capturing outposts to blasting bounties out of the skies, a core team of around twenty pilots and logisticians forged the genesis for what would become the LOFI Interstellar Conglomerate.

Looking into the 3.18 patch, this team waited patiently for the opportunity to carve out a niche in any and all available trades within the Hurston system. Explorers endeavored to find new vistas. Battle-hardened warriors prepared to scour system for new battlegrounds. Pilots of all different vessels prepared their crafts for trade, mining, and hunting down anyone with a price on their head.

The Conglomerate was excited to finally open it’s arms to the public, accepting and supporting members with similar interests. Nobody should have to trek the Verse alone, so finding a group to do it with is as easy as signing on with LOFI.



Main Focus

  • Our organization was built in order to help grow an existing community. We intend to continue doing so via Star Citizen by building a diverse group of citizens that are capable of working together.
  • In order to realize this vision, we will actively seek out citizens that are bereft of players to team up with, regardless of what they’re trying to do.
  • No mission is ‘too junior’ to assist with, and there may be extended periods of time where we’re just helping out new people instead of running missions.
  • However, if there are no citizens in need of help, and we are able to assemble in such a manner that we can work together, we will grind for cash in game to offset the ‘real cash price’ of buying ships an equipment.
  • It is our goal to have enough of a cash surplus to ensure that players are able to do what they want to do in the game, within reason.

General Focus and Most Common Activities

  • Bounty Hunting
  • Racing
  • Trade
  • Mining
  • Salvaging



Community Guidelines

  • Members are encouraged to join the Your text to link here…(Community Discord (Lo-Fi Gaming)) in order to ensure that they receive the support they deserve. Notifications about coordinated events and the success of the organization will be facilitated via this server.
  • No trolling, spamming, hate speech, racism, sexism in any format, be it in-game chat or in the Discord Server.
  • Do not attempt to dox someone under any circumstances, even for “vigilante justice.” This includes sharing phone numbers, passwords, full names, home addresses, social security numbers, or any other sensitive personal information without consent. It’s illegal and we don’t want it here.
  • If you see something against the rules or something that makes you feel unsafe, reach out to an Admin or a Discord Moderator to initiate an action plan. Action will be taken against individuals that actively make calls or group activities uncomfortable.
  • Hacking will result in an immediate ban from the Discord, removal from the organization, and you will be reported to RSI.


  • Personnel Chief: Entrusted with the management of our community insofar as ensuring that those that choose to take on additional responsibilities are properly equipped an prepared to act as stewards of our organization and it’s values
  • Recruitment Agent: Specifically focused on identifying quality individuals or small teams that would serve as complementary additions to our ranks
  • Marketing Developer: Designs and updates assets within this interface as well as generating online material like YouTube Videos or Twitch Streams


  • (*****) – Director: Capable of leading the company in the Founder’s Absence. Trusted as a leader and pivot point for ongoing operations, regardless of the nature of work being conducted.
  • (****) – Commander: Knowledgeable within the sector for which they are specialized. Able to organize, facilitate, and maintain entire programs with the support of their Marshals.
  • (***) – Marshal: Well seasoned member of a Commander’s team, capable of difficult job functions that require experience or special assets in order to facilitate. May be tasked with taking on unique and difficult responsibilities identified by their Commander.
  • (**) – Officer: Citizen familiar with the core mechanics of the game. This member is interested in a leadership role but has not found a focus that they’re interested in yet, so they make themselves available to help out with whatever they can.
  • (*) – Cadet: Fully vetted member of the Conglomerate who has also (joined the Discord Server)
  • ( ) – Recruit: Recent addition to the team