Supply or Die

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Rohirrim / LOTR

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The Cavalry has arrived

“They are proud and willful, but they are true-hearted, generous in thought and deed; bold but not cruel; wise but unlearned, writing no books but singing many songs, after the manner of the children of Men before the Dark Years. ‘’ —Aragorn, The Two Towers


Founded in 2698 by Arthur Cobb, Rohirrim was founded from a history of despair. Arthur’s parents settled on Orion III during Project FarStar in 2667. Arthur was born that same year. The UEE politicians promised prosperity in a fertile new world and a chance to be a part of humanity’s history. In 2681, when Armitage was attacked by the Vanduul, Arthur and his parents were residing in one of the planet’s southernmost outposts. They watched in fear and anticipation as politicians promised protection for the people of Orion III and the eradication of the Vanduul. That help never came. Both of Arthur’s parents were killed in the raids. Arthur was able to sneak aboard one of the evacuation ships and made his way back to Terra III. He understood that the UEE Military and Police could not be everywhere. He vowed that what happened on Orion III would never happen again. From this sentiment, Rohirrim was born.


The Rohirrim are noble warriors. We offer protection and escort for individuals, corporations, and planets. We offer fugitive apprehension across the known ‘Verse. In times of war, the UEE has even been known to call upon the skills of the Rohirrim for assistance in the battlefield. In your time of need, call upon the Rohirrim and you can breathe a sigh of relief when you see the Cavalry has arrived!


Duty, Honor, Brotherhood above the laws of man.

  1. Duty: We pledge ourselves to the service of the Rohirrim
  2. Honor: We pledge to uphold truth and hold to our code of conduct
  3. Brotherhood: We pledge to protect, at all costs, our kin within Rohirrim