Supply or Die

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Long Range Tactical Group / LRTG

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Suaviter in modo fortier in re
Agreeable in manner, forcible in act

The LRTG is a Mercenary unit focused on operations in border/deep space. The group’s main missions include combat/patrol/escort/combat support and long range survey/scouting. With our own industrial base to support combat Op’s


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We the Long Range Tactical Group plan to carve out a name for ourselves on the edge of UEE space and beyond as a Mercenary outfit. With the launch of the Militia initiative there is money to be made in security and that will be the LRTG’s main focus. Protecting our fellow Spacers from the depredations of the Pirate and Alien alike. If the price is right of course.

With Security as our main occupation PvP combat will be our focus in space, in the air, on the ground and boarding actions. These operations will require combat support and logistics to ensure their success so these playstyles are just as important as the Ace pilots and Entry fraggers. Particularly with the permadeath features that the game will contain. Med support is likely advisable.

The group’s secondary objective is to secure our financial base by Freelancing in order to support our combat operations. Good examples being Salvage, which we are in the habit of creating anyway and Bounty Hunting which goes with the territory. Allowing us to procure the best equipment to give our pilots and soldiers the edge in their engagements. This will also allow our members explore the wide array of careers and industries the Verse has to offer.

The LRTG’s affiliation is MERCENARY

The Org is initially aiming for an operational strength of up to 200 members. We want to remain relatively small to foster a sense of community within the Org where everybody will be a name and not just a number. Whilst still allowing for the deployment of Capital ships to fight fleet engagments. It will also keep the amount of admin and comms within the Org manageble. It will additionally increase the amount of interaction with other Orgs in the Verse.

The LRTG is looking for English speaking regular players. Aged 18 and over. Since conversational content is often adult. The Org aims to provide its members with access to most of the starter trade ships and some of the larger multi crew ships the Verse has to offer. As is stated above we are going to be combat focused, but our experience from Clan operations in other games and the direction the game is developing has shown that it will be important to have a good industrial and logistical base, to support the combat Op’s. So any budding industrialists who want some action on the side are more than welcome.

We are an international Org with members from all over the world. With the majority playing in the European time zone. With players aged 18-40s. Older players are welcome. We accept applications from individual players and groups.

So if you match the criteria and like what you see. Just file an application and an officer will be in contact with you within 7 days.


Org Structure

Commanding officers in the Org.

Flag Captain
Senior officers in the LRTG. Responsible for assisting the Commodores in the day to day running of LRTG. Primarily responsible for Org admin as well as organising and leading large groups for missions or PvP.

Post Captain
Mid level officers in the LRTG. Usually, a rank assigned to leading combatants and industrialists. Their responsibilities are to assist with the day to day running of LRTG and optimizing the Org’s Combat/Industry/Trade/Resupply/Repair

Entry level officer of LRTG. Tasked with running small group operations Security/Industry/Trade/Resupply

Member of LRTG.

Probationary member of LRTG.

In-game Rules

All members are to try to be polite and courteous to other players whenever possible. Friendly banter is permitted, but keep it sporting.
All members must try not to cause friction between themselves and other LRTG members or friendly/affiliated Org’s Captains.
If a ranking officer requests your presence for official Org business whilst you are in game then members are required to participate unless there are specific reasons why this cannot occur. (This will come into force when the game is in a released state)
Members must not operate alts in any hostile Orgs.


All members are required to be on Discord whilst participating in any form of combat/missions alongside other Org Captains, especially fellow Org members.
We encourage the use of Discord whenever possible as this allows for faster responses to emerging threats and more engagement between different members of the org.
A working microphone is not required but it is advised for communication. The Discord has multiple channels and more can easily be created for individual groups.
When participating in important battles, you must try to only transmit relevant and vital messages, otherwise co-ordination may break down, you must listen to orders and not argue with the Operation commander, Banter is always welcomed after the fact.

Misc Rules (Important)

Racism, sexism or bullying will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
All members must follow the chain of command when engaged in Org operations.
If any member is going to be absent from the game for more than 10 days, please inform an Officer. (this last one is also only applicable once the game is in what the player base considers a “released” state)