Always outnumbered, never outgunned!
Requiem Inc. was a crew of dedicated soldiers that banded together to write our own history. After years of lulz and successful campaigns in the name of the pew, we came face to face with dark times.
Our leader went missing. No more, “GET EM!” or “safe spot, fellas!” He was just gone… We knew we had to do something, but our path was unclear. Confused and unsure a decision was made to break our chains from VOTF and Imperium. A path of our own. A path that lead us to many victories and wealth. We, once again felt the sun on our faces and it was glorious!
As freelance exploring mercs, the universe was our oyster. Nothing to bind us to a single faction or system. Our loyalty belonged to ourselves as we were the only family we had left. Friends would come and go. As mercenaries, we quickly learned trust must be earned. All accounts of betrayal only made us stronger and were swiftly rectified. Taking on the roll of mercenaries never clouded our judgement.
We believed in honor and would sooner defend helpless innocence for free than side with evil. We are here in SC to give it another go and have a shit ton of fun! Long live good times and hey, is this game ever going to launch!?
We are, Requiem Inc.