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MARPAT Mining and Demolition Company / MMDC

  • Corporation
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  • Freelancing

Specializing in deep space mineral extraction, and “Rapid Unplanned Deconstruction“™ of space ships. Any load, from soft MicroTec wood, to rock hard deposits we’ll take it. If your having a hard time pulling out of an extraction try our twin wrap protection an escort service.


Originally founded as “The World Ore and Exploration Company” in Britannia circa 1400 AD. The MARPAT Mining and Demolition Company is one of the oldest human mining, heavy transport, and rapid unscheduled disassembly companies in the known universe. From the Outlands of hostile celestial bodies to the relatively peaceful habitable planets, we focus on extracting minerals and delivering them where they are needed even in high risk situations, and have done so since our inception.

Since we specialize in high risk extraction, we have found it necessary through the ages to also specialize in defensive escorts. From the knights in their plate armor that escorted our horseback mining caravans. To the modern fighters and sub-capital ships we now employ to escort our state of the art mining laser platforms. Our services have never ended strictly with just digging and hauling, but in protecting your precious cargo.

Because of how renowned our defensive fleet has become, we have recently been recruited by certain government agencies for licensing and taxation enforcement around the galaxy. Providing a new source of revenue for our esteemed organization.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.