Welcome to Myrmidon corporation, multiverse leaders in intelligence, and security.
Achilles glared at him and answered, “Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
At MyrC every link in our chain is as polished as a diamond and as strong as steel. We only accept the best fit and will not compromise.Only the strong survive, unless the weak can pay!
We derive our name from Achilles and his Myrmidons who were the fiercest warriors in Greece. We aim to be the fiercest organization in the known universe. As Achilles claims in the opening quote, we make no covenants with sheep. Our Merc and Security groups will defend the weakest and destroy the strongest, of our own accord, and shall never be threatened or imposed upon by any man or group.You choose us because here at MyrC every member is valuable. Here you are more than just a number, you have purpose and responsibility. Too often are good people lost in the noise, here you are an individual voice in beautiful harmony. Each and every member can decide their own future within the corporation. Whether you want to lead an entire division, a small unit, or not, you will be given the opportunity!
You choose MyrC because we strive for excellence, anything less is unacceptable. We theory craft, number punch, and hone our skills to make sure we stay at the top.
You choose MyrC because we’re fun! We are serious, but not to a fault. Some organizations force strict rules regarding communications and ranks. You will never be told to call someone sir and you will not have to learn silly communication procedures.
Myrmidon Corporation is a for hire organization specializing in: competitive intelligence , covert and clandestine operations , asset acquisition and recovery , and private security.
The main governing body of Myrmidon Corporation is the Board of Directors, which is helmed by the CEO.
MyrC is separated by specialties, Each specialty has its own division and is lead by a Director.
Tier 0 – New Hire: A probationary member of MyrC. New Hires will undergo on-the-job skill testing and back ground checks. The probation period lasts until they are recruited by an Operator to fill an Agent slot, or until they have been released by the corporation.
Tier 1 – Agent: Once recruited by an operator New Hires become full fledged members of MyrC, Agents, and assist the operators in fulfilling contracts. They are the squires to the knights. They will fill most support roles, such as acquiring mission resources. Once an Agent has proven their worth they can be promoted by a Handler to the rank of Operator.
Tier 2 – Operator: Are the back bone of MyrC. They are responsible for fulfilling contracts and acquiring Agents. Operators can have many or no Agents depending on their own desire. At this point in their career Operators are privy to most information and are knowledgeable of the inner workings of the corporation. If there are enough Operators and there is a need, a Division Director can appoint Operators to the role of Handler.
Tier 3 – Handler: A junior officer within the upper MyrC hierarchy. Handler’s are given contracts and assign them to Operators, who they trust can to accomplish the mission. They are responsible for communication and logistics between multiple operations and Operators. They request and assign assets as needed to fulfill contracts. They are officers and, as such, are the first tier of “official speaking” power on behalf of MyrC. As the corporation grows Handlers can petition the board to create new divisions, if approved, the Handler will then be promoted to Director of that division.
Tier 4 – Director: Senior officers that have been assigned a division. A division is a specialized department within MyrC. Each Director must ensure their division is the absolute best of their speciality in the known universe. They will do whatever it takes to achieve that status. Directors sit on the Board of Directors and help dictate the aims of the entire corporation.
Tier 5 – Board Member:Are members of the Board of Directors that have specialized roles and are not assigned a division.
MyrC Intel is the shadow following every citizen. This division collects information from all possible sources to paint a large situational awareness picture of the verse. We strive to know who’s doing what, where, and why, at any given time. An accurate and complete view of the field allows our other divisions to operate at a much higher caliber.
The Intelligence Division does even more than just information gathering. We also house Myrmidon Corporations Special Operations Unit. MyrC SpecOps are the things that go bump in the night! When a mission requires a scalpel instead of sledge, these are the guys that go in.