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N76 Mining Cooperative / N76

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources

Exploring the galaxy to find and mine the rarest resources know to man.


N76 Mining Cooperative was founded in 2938 after both the co-founders, Otwegian and Nahr, left the the Galihad Mega Mining Industry due to the employment work conditional. The two co-founders decided to start their own Mining and trading business, but they had a slow start up as GMMI had already claimed most of the miners they could reach out to. So instead, the decided to just start the work themselves.

From their mining, they also helped supply businesses that were not mega corporations. These smaller business started to spread the word of N76 and it started grabbing the attention of newcomers and old miners. Some of these newcomers started to join N76, helping them supply anyone and everyone who reach out the them with legitimate claims.

However, due to all the mining operations that were claiming territory through the means of force, N76 decided they would start traveling the galaxy in order to find the most rare, even unknown, resources. This again brought attention of the explorers, but also from pirates. These pirates started to mark hits of any cargo ship for their delicate cargo. From this N76 started to hire mercenaries and escorts in order to keep their cargo safe.

All of this is what makes N76 what it is today. Miners, explorers, helpers, and protectors.


N76 plans to
h2. Mine
  • Mine rare resources
  • Help the smaller businesses of the galaxy grow by supplying them first
    h2. Explore
  • Explore the galaxy to see the amazing unknown and known
  • Find Mineral deposits of the highest quantity and quality
    h2. Protect
  • Protect the ships transporting cargo
  • Protect the ships mining the resources
  • Protect any territory claimed for our operations


Members of N76 should always:
  • Help a fellow member in need
  • Respect any business partner
  • Remain silent about any secret mining operations
  • Respect higher authorities within the organization
  • Arrive, travel with, and protect and large cargo expeditions whenever possible